
Monday 22 October 2012

Excaged Birds Outside For The First Time

Just some pictures of our excaged birds enjoying the outside for the first time!
A friendly hen

More feathers on a bird in Tescos!

Excuse the ripped trousers!
They all seem pretty friendly. The hen in the first picture won't leave me alone when I'm in the garden. My little girl loves them as well, and kept making "BOK" noises at them!


  1. They always look so vulnerable and shocked on their first few outings don't they.

    But it is wonderful to see all the suppressed chickeny urges come to life as they explore and learn what their world should have been like all along.

    I love that this 'hardened farmers son' will probably let them live until their natural end!

    There's no meat on them anyway is there!!

    Sue xx

    1. I would never use these birds for meat anyway! Far too tough!
      Unfortunatly two birds have met their natural end this week already - the cold snap we've had didn't agree with their lack of feathers I think. they had plenty of shelter but they don't really know how to use it. Never mind I'm sure they died happier outside in the fresh air. Just hope the other nine keep themselves a bit warmer.

  2. I'll bet they are happy to be getting some free range time.

    1. They seem pretty keen and happy. Always rushing to get let out in the morning!

  3. My heart melted as I looked at these hens, and I feel ashamed for the human race that they should subject animals to such treatment. Looking forward to watching the progress of your rescued hens.

    1. It is a shame I agree with you. Just make sure when you buy meat,eggs and dairy you buy high welfare British products (Or in your case French if you live there full time!)

  4. I had 10 last year.... lovely birds but watch out for bullies.... like people that are abused, they can lash out with others... and 2 of mine were terrible feather pluckers
    generally they all have been the most di and the most tame of all of my birds

    1. I've hear some terrible cries from fighting and a few spots of blood but I've not found the culprit yet! They seem a little bit more settled after there first week in the garden.

  5. Seeing those poor wee birds reminds me of one reason why I'm vegan.
    Jane x
    PS Thanks for caring for them.

    1. But on the other hand if everyone was vegan there would be very few animals around! Sorry to play devils advocate here!

  6. I did this a while ago. I found that you need to continuously touch them, so that they do not become afraid of you. Good luck with your new additions!

    1. These seem to have no fear even though I've not touched or petted them much. In fact they jump in the feed bucket as soon as I put it down!

    2. Mine had grown to be comfortable with touch. Then come when I call. So I think they have adapted well. How are yours at the moment?

    3. Mine are great! I've never had a group of birds so tame, they all come over when I walk up and my little girl loves them. They let me pick them up easily as well. great happy hens

  7. Some very lucky chickens indeed. You are a very kind soul offering them a home where they will be happy and loved :)

    Your girls look like they dont even know what that green stuff is...This is why I grow my own eggs with my own chickens! We did get some rescue birds once and they were very tame and friendly...

    Hope they bring lots of fun for you and your little girl!

    1. They seem to be lots of fun and some right little characters in there. My little girl just seems to love chickens - good job as I'm sure we're going to have plenty of them over the years!

  8. Those poor hens. But what a great thing you've done to take them on and look after them.

    I just found your blog from Sue at Our New Life in The Country. And look forward to following their progress.


    1. Thanks for stopping by! Sue's blog is great isn't it! Hope you enjoy reading mine. cheers

  9. Poor little lady's I bet you'll have them looking great in no time! :)

    1. Hope so. I've had a couple die this week but I'm putting it down to the cold weather we've just suddenly had and their lack of feathers! The rest seem fine and happy.
