
Friday 5 April 2013

A Week Away

Sorry no posts or comments for the last week or so, we've been quite busy.
We've just got back from a week in Devon and before we went away I turned 30! Can't quite believe I've left my twenties behind but I'm exactly where I want to be in life - married to my beautiful wife, with a wonderful daughter, living in an amazing place, doing a job I love. I can't complain really (a smaller mortgage would be nice though)!

Starting to find her feet
We really enjoyed the break and it was nice to get away. We didn't go on a proper holiday last year so it was nice to spend some time together and although it's early in the year and still pretty cold the weather was quite good.

Peach Blossom
We even had sunshine on the day we went out for my birthday treat, to the Lost Gardens Of Heligan - but more about that amazing place later! I've come back with a massive list of jobs to get through so I think the next few days are going to be fairly busy - this afternoon I've had 6 tons of cow muck delivered, planted two cherry trees and had a good tidy up of the garden and thats before I've got started!


  1. Replies
    1. Make sure you do as it's amazing if your into your gardens or history (and I think you rather like both!)

  2. welcome back you youngster. 30 years old, half a lifetime and a bit for me.

    1. Like I said I'm not worried about turing 30. I'm just where I want to be!

  3. I see your sweet girl is already taking an interest in in garden furniture.
    Jane x

    1. Yeah, anything she can stand up against she loves. won't be long now I think until shes walking!

  4. I have been to Heligan about 14 years a go. Found the gardeners names written on the bothy wall very moving. Most of them lost their lives in the great war.

    1. Yeah the war did change the way this country worked. A lot of loss of knowledge as well when those gardener died. Still the way the gardens are now is a tribute to them really

  5. My thirtieth was celebrated with a party in the Officer's Mess in Paderborn, Germany. What a hoot that was! That was 24 years ago.

    We have just had two days and nights of solid rain. The sun is peeking through so more weeding and planting for me this afternoon!

    1. The quieter the better for mine! I went for a nice meal with my family and then away for a week. I was happy with that. I bet I only drunk 6 ciders in the whole week! God I'm boring!

  6. Ah to be 30 again.. that was 20 years ago for me... its all downhill from there. After a while you ignore birthdays and count body aches instead.

    1. Can't be that bad surely! Mine you my knees were begining to hurt when I was laying an oak floor the other day!
