
Wednesday 8 May 2013

The Veg Garden

I'll just post these couple of photos of my veg garden because it's looking rather good at the moment with very few weeds.
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I'm sure it will be a different story in a few months time...
Still loads to do, seedlings to plant out and seeds to plant as well as paths to lay and gates to make. Still it keeps me off the streets...
How's everyone elses veg garden looking?


  1. Impressive
    I start planting bosoms tomorrow

    1. There's really no reply to that John!! I guess we each have our own!!

    2. Sounds like my kind of crop though...

  2. That looks lovely Kev - where are "my" spuds in the plan?

    Ours is part planted and tidy, and part still wilderness - we keep getting distracted by earthmoving with the JCB!

    I need to get the onion sets in, now Ian has dug the onion bed over!

    And make a new raised bed.

    1. Yep they're in along with some pink fir apples! Thanks again! I started my onion sets in plug pots and it seems to have given them a real head start.

  3. We need work doing...but tonight we ate the first of the asparagus. Life is good!
    Jane x

    1. I think some of my asparagus has rotted in the ground aas last year was so wet. It looks as though 4 out od 10 plants have survived. I'll plant some more next winter as it's a favourite of mine!

  4. Mine is still looking a bit sparse, but there is Spinach growing away and the Strawberry bed is coming to life, both these were planted last year though. The seedlings in the greenhouse are not quite ready to go out yet.

    It all seems a bit slow this year, but still it can only be better than last year.

    Your veggie beds look brilliant.

    1. I've always got loads of "my" spinach - nettles! If things dont go better than last year I think I'll give up!

  5. Looking good! My early garden is looking good and the summer one is starting to show signs of corn and beans coming through the ground. We just had days of heavy rain so the ground is saturated to where I won't be able to get on the weeds that are also sprouting.

    1. Weeds are such a problem on my plot as the start of last year it was just grass so that and buttercups are a real problem. So long as I can get on it more than last year I should stand a chance. Lets hope the sun shines on you!

  6. Great job with the veg plot! Look forward to seeing how it all progresses.

    1. So do I! Just finding time along with everything else I want to do is the problem!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks! "For now" I think is the words I'd use after that sentence though...

  8. Wow! Your soil looks really good - nice and friable with good tilth :) I'm jealous! Lovely job, Kevin :) Can't wait to see everything shooting up skyward!
