
Monday 4 November 2013

Sticky Bloody Labels!

Some labels just peal off after a short soak in warm water, leaving nothing behind.
Some, however, need to heated and reduced back down to sand and then remade into a glass jar to remove that sticky residue that's covering half the jar.
Is it wrong that with really tricky jars I just put them in recycling instead of getting frustrated trying to remove a label that's harder than an engraving? Either that or any secret tips or short cuts to success?


  1. Turps ! works every time.
    Just soak an old rag in turps and rub gently over the sticky part and it will come clean away. For stubborn areas, just repeat after a short time.
    Soak the jars/containers well afterwards to get rid of the smell.

  2. Guess you use them for home produced preserves?
    I get some like this, just sellotape a label over the top of them.

    1. Yeah sometimes I don't bother and just use them for my own stuff but if I give some away or sell it I like it to look a little posher!

  3. With me, if it doesn't come off easily, it doesn't come off PERIOD!

  4. I scrape off as much as possible with a flat blade, soak in hot water and scrape again and then a spot of white spirit on a rag.

  5. I usually boil them. That does for most of them then a wipe with a solvent to get rid of any adhesive residue.

    What I really hate is buying a boxful of fragile crystal glasses and every one of them has a manufacturer's label stuck to it with an adhesive so strong it would glue Teflon to the sides of nuclear submarines.

    1. Yeah, anything you buy and know that the lable has to come should be easy peel. Like the lables on glass for windows - its not going to stay there, as people like to look out their windows, so why do they use such strong glue!

  6. I soak them...if the labels don't come off ,they get chucked in the recycling.
    Jane x

    1. Thats what I've been doing, just wondering if there is another way!

  7. A sharp knife lubricated with wash up liquid works on most things (soak in hot water first)

  8. I know, so frustrating! I soak them in hot water, scrape off as much as I can with a butter knife, then rub a few drops of lemon essential oil on and wipe off the gunk! Works like a charm most of the time.

    1. Lemon essential oil sounds more food safe than the slovents others have said maybe I'll try and pick some up to try it

  9. Here we have a product called Goo Gone. Amazing at removing labels,stickers etc. ! Orange Oil works pretty good too.

  10. I use 'Sticky Stuff Remover', it seems expensive at around £4 a bottle, but it lasts for years and works a treat, once the paper label has soaked off or the filmy one peeled off, simply wipe a couple of times with this and it dissolves all residue, et voila one jar ready for home preserves.

    1. Might be worth a go then, I'll see if the "home" remeides work first though

  11. Through trial and error I've found a good soak to get rid of the paper bit, followed by a dollop of cheap washing up liquid smeared over the gunk plus a good scrub with a brillo pad does the trick. Gunk gone!

    1. I've scrubbed and scrubbed with some of these and still no good!

  12. I find hot water inside with the lid on and soak the full bottle in hot soapy water gets off most labels - some are just not going to come off though and I put those in the recycling. :)
