
Tuesday 6 May 2014

First Week As A Stay At Home

Well I survived my first week as a stay at home dad and I'm about to start my second.
How did it go?
Well the start of the week was great, everyday we spent time in the garden, where I got loads of weeding done and Ev built many sand castles, we baked bread and biscuits, went to play group, roasted rhubarb to have on custard, kept the kitchen clean and tidy, did housework, washed clothes, made nettle soup and planted seeds. 
Then Melissa got chicken pox! 
A bit of an induction of fire really! The poor little thing is covered in spots and is really under the weather. Hopefully this next week she'll start to feel better, then Ev will probably get them!


  1. You're a good man, Kev! God bless you!

  2. Kev
    Just as a postscript to your previous blogs
    A wandering vixen took two of my best layers the dat before yesterday

    1. sorry to hear that John - I guess we're all in the same boat with these foxes. and the time of year.

  3. Oh poor Melissa, I hope she get's over them soon. Sounds like you have got everything under control Kev.

  4. Tsk! Have you not grown some chamomile to make a lotion for M? Poor planning if you ask me.... 😉

    1. I had some growing at the last place. Maybe there's some at your dads?

  5. Oh no, poor little girl, and what a start to your new job. Hope it goes soon and probably better to have it young, can be really nasty when you are older, hope you've had it already?

  6. Oh bless, I hope she recovers soon.

  7. Oh, poor little to get it over with early though.
    Jane x

    1. It is but I've heard if you get it before one year old you can get it again.

  8. Bless you for being such a good dad. You are one in a million and I hope your little girls do have the chicken pox too badly, but it is best to get it over and done with at an early age.

    1. Shame it wasn't a week earlier though! I think she could have done with the comfort of her mum, I'm just second best!

    2. It's a shame it wasn't a week earlier as I think she could have done with the comfort of her mum. I'm just second best when it comes to cuddles!

  9. Sounds like a very full week! What a cutey helping you cook! :O)

    1. She loves cooking and gardening. The other day I was reading the instructions on a bag of bread flour for later and all I could hear was Ev moving the chair across the floor so she could come and help!

  10. Awww.... poor little thing. I hope she is feeling better this week. Still I guess it's better to get these things out of the way when they're tiny. Not good for your first week in charge though.

    You survived though ... all of you and that's the main thing.
