
Friday 5 September 2014

Guerilla Veg

When we dug the footings for the greenhouse back in the spring we made a rather large tump of soil in the garden. 
 This has then grow a large selection weeds and plants over the summer. From nettles to nasturtiums, but it did also grow some self set veg.
 A rather large winter squash plant - I'm not sure on the variety as it's not like any I've grown previously - but there are at least three massive squashes on a plant that takes up 6ft square!
 The other thing was self set potatoes. So when I went to cook tea tonight and realised that we had no tatties to go with our omelet, I decided we go and dig them all up, I don't currently bother growing main crop potatoes as they're pretty cheap straight from the farm and I can grow high value crops in their place. 
Not a massive haul but they were all good sized and involved literately no effort in growing them! Tasted very good covered in rosemary and garlic! 
Anyone else found any self set veg on their garden this year?


  1. we often have the random squash, potatoe, or onion from the compost heap. Also sunflowers just randomly appear.

    1. All good stuff! More sunflowers is never a bad thing!

  2. Maybe those are not squash at all, but evil pods from space, like in "Day of the Triffids!" ;-)

  3. No self set veg here, just a rampant veg garden gone all wild!

    1. Mines gone a little wild as well! The soil here means everything grows like hell!

  4. We had self set Pink Fir Apple potatoes and lots of corn salad and strawberry spinach that volunteered. We always have FORESTS of nastrtiums. All good stuff.

    1. Sounds like a full meal for nothing! Good stuff!

  5. We had a ton of potatoes that came up all by themselves. They did great! Also sunflowers.. and tomatoes EVERYWHERE . . lastly an apple tree that must be a souvenir of our epic cider pressing week. All welcome.

    1. Potatoes can almost be a bit of a problem if you don;t dig them up and they start appearing in the middle of a row of carrots! Be interesting to see what apples your self set tree has on it - if they turn out to be no good you could always graft another variety on it.
