
Sunday 14 December 2014

What Do You Want For Christmas?

I've finally started to make some Christmas presents today, the girls should be pleased with what I'm making them.
I haven't left it as late to start as I did for the kitchen I made them last year! Although I'm not saying that I'm not going to be finishing it Christmas eve again, as this years present is a much bigger project!
The kitchen I made them last year - its been a big success.
They are at a wonderful age though. 
Whenever we ask our eldest what she wants she just says "A dinosaur". No long list of toys or other wants - I know it won't last! 
As we get into adulthood we generally want less, I now struggle to think what I want for Christmas when I'm asked and I'm pretty happy if I get a good book or two, so long as the kids are happy.
What does everyone else want for Christmas? (no wishing for world peace please!)


  1. lol we bought ourselves the gift of a serrano ham from Aldi, I waited for it to come in and quick as a whippet out of the trap I was there when they opened. The ham was £35. That is us done

    1. Sound nice with some crusty bread and a glass of something!

  2. I could do with some new slippers, or I would settle for a nice new cuddly jumper :-) cant think of anything else

  3. I already got my chainsaw...and we got a snow plow too. How could I top that!!
    Jane x

  4. A nice holiday in the sun or a couple of tickets to see some classic rock band. Or perhaps a nice bottle from the top shelf or a shredder for twigs and branches?

  5. what do i want for xmas? one ever asks me that. i actually have no idea.

  6. A couple of quiet weeks here in the mountains, with no emergencies or furor, would be nice. I've got enough "stuff" so I guess I don't need any more of that.

    1. It's nice to have a few weeks where things don't go wrong. Both batteries in the car and van fail this week which was a nice surprise!

  7. Replies
    1. Don;t forget it's scaled against a two year old!

  8. A pair of new knees, these are knackered!

    1. Mine feel the ache sometimes. I always wear pads now when I'm working so I don;t knacker them any further!

  9. I have already had my present. Archie. A new puppy Chihuahua.
    See my last post if you want to have a peek.

    1. Sound like a lot of trouble and fun all at the same time! We keep talking about getting a dog but it's on hold until the girls are a little bigger.

  10. Honeyman and I don't really do Christmas presents so much. Or birthdays anymore :O). I know shocking. We tend to purchase things as the year goes that we need or want. But if we had little people in the house! That would be a whole different ball game! How fun for ya'll to have your girls to do Christmas for! We never had any children, but I know that they would have changed up how we do the holidays for sure! The kitchen you made your girls looks great! Though I must say honeyman has been saying its your 50th birthday coming so you need a nice present for that. LOL I said well get my drapery cutting table finished then :O) LOL

  11. Wood flooring for the rest of our old farmhouse. Just a touch left to do, but keeps getting put by the wayside.

  12. Hmmmm. The list of things I could use around here is endless really. More tractor implements, a dump truck would be nice. I will prolly have to settle for a new pair of boots though.

  13. Time together and daily walks with the dogs.

    Our main Christmas present to ourselves was four builders bags full of ready to burn lovely seasoned hardwood logs. So toasty evening ahead with not much chopping to do. Bliss.

    I can't wait to see how you will top last years wonderful 'kitchen creation' for your girls :-)

  14. Looking forward to seeing what you are making for your girls for Christmas this year, Kev. What would I like as a present? I am going to treat myself to a food mixer, and Lester is going to treat himself to some proper butchering knives!

  15. No gifts for me, I don't need anymore "stuff!" If someone wants to give me something edible though that is fine :)

    I am in the process of scaling down and getting rid of anything I don't or no longer use. And I am being ruthless!
