
Friday 19 June 2015

First Home-grown Meal This Season

Wednesday night I cooked my first completely home grown tea this season.
New potatoes, garlic scrapes and poached eggs.
I've never eaten garlic scrapes before, the garlic I grow here is the soft necked variety so doesn't produce a flower stalk, but the elephant garlic I'm growing does. I'd read about eating the flower stalk in a number of books and websites, each and everyone of them raving about the taste and comparing them to asparagus. 
I harvested the stalks as low as I could, so they were about 3ft long, and cut them into 2 inch lengths, to cook them I steamed them above the potatoes.
I sometimes think that my wife heart must sink when I put something new or weird on her plate, but we both agreed these were lovely. They were like a garlicky asparagus and with the runny yoke from the egg mixing in they were sublime. 
A great low cost meal and a nice reward for some of the work put into the garden. I can't wait for all the harvests to come now!

Who else had had a meal from their plot yet? 

Also who else has eaten garlic scrapes? I'm going to plant a hard necked variety of garlic as well this autumn I think to gain an extra harvest.


  1. We had the first radish and lettuce from the garden yesterday. My beans are still seedlings (2nd sowing) but at least they have come through!

    1. I used to grow radishes as my first early crop but then none of us really like them so I don't bother anymore! I need to plant my beans out, I've only planted the runners out so far and I've got two different types of french beans to go out that are probably far too big for their pots!

  2. I will have to give them a go Kev thanks, this week end we are having homegrown roast duck with home grown veg and potatoes :-)

    1. They're really worth it. I was sceptical but they taste amazing!

  3. Our potatoes aren't even close to ready yet. But we have been eating asparagus and carrots and early peas from the garden and the onions are just about ready. And it won't be very long before we are getting courgettes and cucumbers.

    1. I only planted mine because fellow blogger Northsider Dave planted his so early so I thought I'd risk it. I think I'll try and get a batch in super early every year and just risk it for a tasty early crop!
      Carrots are a disaster this year and are tiny, they seemed to take ages to germinate. I must plant some more today when I get chance!

  4. I wonder if one can eat onion scapes?

    1. It's a good question. I'd guess yes but I think it needs a google!

  5. Nothing coming in from this year's veg, but I am still using dehydrated and frozen vegetables from last year, plus our own meat both this years and last years. Simple meals are best, and I shall look into growing hard necked garlic this autumn too.

    1. I agree I love simple meals but hen I do love complete Thai curries and Mexican dishes as well. Dehydrating is something I need to do more. We've been eating all the apple and raspberries we did but I've not done veg yet.

  6. I've never heard of garlic scrapes, but since I like garlic they sound quite delicious. That meal looks top flight, especially the potatoes. And you have the advantage of knowing ConAgra or Monsanto didn't spray some carcinogen on your food.

    1. Harry, You'd love them! They are like a mild garlicly asparagus, I'm just disappointed I've only got one meals worth growing!

  7. Looking very yummy Kev. Our home made meal today could be eggs, beetroot, new potatoes, green beans, salad leaves and lettuce, radish and strawberries for afters!

    1. I thought you might be a little ahead of me! I could do with a poly tunnel really but for now I've got enough to keep on top of!

  8. Save me a spot at the table Kev.. looks yummy.

  9. Garlic Scrapes? Never heard of eating them before. I'll have to find some and try it. Learn something new everyday. Thanks for the post!

    1. They're great, try them and it's another food not everyone knows about!

  10. i love scapes. i dice them and saute them and use them to make omelets. a scape omelet is a wonderful meal!

    1. I bet they'd be great in an omelet! I need to wait until next year to try that one though!

  11. We have ate our own strawberries, pork, bacon, lettuce, Japanese onions, poly-tunnel grown potatoesand Spring cabbage so far this year.

  12. Kev - your meal looks divine! so far, we have only been eating lettuces daily and won't be able to do a proper full meal from the garden for at least a month. however, we over-wintered our pepper plants and we have peppers coming in like mad! we had a bite of one the other day (hungarian hot wax) and it near blew both of our heads off it was so hot! i can't wait for the new potatoes and yours look delicious! and yes - we love garlic scapes around here! and we love them with poached eggs and lobster - bahahah! i am glad that you enjoyed such a healthy and delicious meal - all from your garden! sending much love to you and yours!

    your friend,

  13. Sadly all we have had so far are a few radishes, and a nibble of strawberries, still some time soon......

  14. We're mainly getting lots of strawberries, which my little boy considers a meal on their own as he's not such a big fan of all the lovely vegetables we grow for him!

  15. We have eaten some of the garlic scrapes as well, though I must admit the ones I picked were kinda strong. I am not sure why because I too read people say how good they are etc.. Ours seemed very garlic strong. So a little went a long way. We have been eating meals from the garden and I just love it when the whole plate is from the garden or our farm in someway.

  16. Oh yes, there is nothing better than eating what you have grown, and yours looks delish!


  17. Oh yes, there is nothing better than eating what you have grown, and yours looks delish!


  18. That meal looks delicious . It's winter in Australia but I am still eating lettuce , peas , Capsicum, chard and fresh herbs and calamondons.

  19. Looks yummy! We have eaten tomato and cucumbers so far. Waiting on green and yellow squash. Next year we want to double our space and try more. All this rain in Texas has caused our tomato to split on the skin and early picking has me searching for cooking options..any ideas?

  20. Looks yummy! We have eaten tomato and cucumbers so far. Waiting on green and yellow squash. Next year we want to double our space and try more. All this rain in Texas has caused our tomato to split on the skin and early picking has me searching for cooking options..any ideas?

    1. Try this tarte tatin
      We love it!

  21. Looks yummy! We have eaten tomato and cucumbers so far. Waiting on green and yellow squash. Next year we want to double our space and try more. All this rain in Texas has caused our tomato to split on the skin and early picking has me searching for cooking options..any ideas?
