
Sunday 9 August 2015

What A Week!

Sorry again about the blog, I've been meaning to update it all week but it been manic. I've also not had chance to comment on anyone else's sorry.
So from last Sunday I've (with a bit of help from my dad and brother):

Knocked down the unsafe garden wall,
Dug new footings (a post on that coming soon),
Worked 5 days for two customers,
Met a fellow blogger (Dawn from Doing It For Ourselves In Wales)
Concreted the wall footings,
Cut my thumb so bad it needed stitches,
Ordered 3000 bricks,
Made a Frame and Cover for a neighbours well (a couple of late nights on that project!),
Trimmed the hedges so the brick lorry can get up the drive (they were getting really bad),
Worked on my brothers house and helped him batten out two walls,
Treated the lambs for fly strike again,
Managed to maintain my normal routine of checking and feeding animals and watering veg.

Hopefully this next week will be a bit quieter but I doubt it!


  1. Its all great fun never two days the same :-)

  2. you've been busy, buddy - but i know that's how you like it! keep up the good work!

    your friend,

  3. Sounds like you have had your hands full. Good job and we are always here to read or comment when ya get back.

  4. Gosh you have been busy!!

    And it's the time of the year that the veggies all start screaming out to be picked and dug up, you'll continue to be as busy this week no doubt.

  5. That's what life's all about isn't it, making the most of what time you have and feeling very satisfied at the end of it all. Assuming you ever get to the end that is....and don't worry about the blog and all that, we all know what it's like, you'll have bags more time during the long winter!

  6. My you are busy, hope your thumb is healing well.

  7. Totally understand, my blog has been suffering too with my work load. Just so many hours in a day! :O)
