
Thursday 7 April 2016

The Egg And I

Look a non sheep post!

I'm fairly sure I'm going to be pretty late to the party with this one but I picked up Betty Macdonald's book "The Egg And I" from the library the other day and I thought it was brilliant.
It always amazes me that I can read a book written in the forties and it not feel dated. 
This book made me properly laugh out loud with all her tales of life in rural North West America, living without power or running water. The antidotes about the Kettles and their other neighbours are brilliant and she writes in a way that makes you hear their voices and I should imagine the beginning of the stereotypical "redneck". 
I just can't believe I'd never heard about her before. Apparently they've made films about it and there's even fan websites on-line. 
Here is a great quote to give a taste of how she writes:

"The rooster ... doesn't give a damn if you take every egg in the place and play handball. He doesn't care if the chicken house is knee-deep in weasels and blood. He just flicks a speck from his lapel and continues to stroll around, stepping daintily over the lifeless but still warm body of a former mistress, his lustful eye appraising the leg and breast of another conquest"

 Who else has read her books and why have I only just found out about them!?!

I'm always keen for recommendations for books if anyone has any, just leave me a comment (I'm a bit of a book worm when I get the chance).


  1. Havent come across that one before

    1. You'd love it Dawn! It's well worth a read.

  2. The author and her books are well-known here in the States! Having a bit of a revival, ldc

  3. I read it when I was about 14, and can't remember a thing about it.

    1. I recommend you give it another read. Very entertaining

  4. I love Betty McDonald. She had several other books as well but my favorite is "Onions in the Stew" about her life with husband #2 living on Vashon Island here in Washington State. She also wrote some children's books.

    1. I'll have to find out which order she wrote them in and get them all. I see they're quite expensive over here though so I'll have to keep an eye out for them.

  5. Never heard of her, but will now investigate because I love how she writes.

    1. Anyone with our lifestyle will love it Vera!

  6. I'm another one who's never heard of her, maybe she is more of an American taste usually. Simon Dawson's first book I good, but I wouldn't bother with the second one!!

    1. I'll look up Simon Dawson's. So many authors are like that - first book great but they've used all their good material in the first book.

  7. I've read it and have a copy, plus another of hers that I've not a box in the shed, when they will see the light of day is anyones guess. Someone told me that the old TV programme "Beverley Hillbillies" was based on her neighbours but I don't know if that is true or not.

    1. I remember that show and they certainly seem like the Kettles!

  8. I read it as one of my first "grown up" books when I was 11 years old and loved it. Read it again about 40 years later and still thought it was a wonderful book.

    1. I love finding a new author who I like, I then buy and read everything from them!

  9. haven't read it but I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for it if you think its worth a read

    1. It is but it's quite expensive here so look out for it second hand if I was you.

  10. Thanks for the info, I'll give it a try

    1. I'm terrible when I find out people like to read I'm always recommending books so I do like to put some on here that I want people to read as well.

  11. Thanks for the reminder. I sent a request for it to our mail-a-book library system a long time ago, but never got it (which is unusual). I will pursue it again. I wasn't aware that she had written other books. Good to know that.

    1. I might request the next book from our little library. We're lucky as we have one in the village that we visit every few weeks. My girls love going.

  12. If you think the egg and I is good you must read the Plague and I by the same authoress. It is about when she contracts TB which was and still is a killer disease. A gruesome subject but it gets the same wonderful writing and has had me laughing out loud, especially when she discusses her fellow patients and the staff in the hospital she is in. Please try to read it, she is a truly great observer and writer. Love Andie xxx

    1. I'll add it to my reading list. I'm just working my way through four American apocalyptic fiction books at the moment but I doubt they'll take me long. I can be a bit of bookworm when I get the chance.

  13. I had not heard of before I got chickens and a friend recommended that book. Laughed out loud multiple times.

    1. It's a good book and one to make you realise how easy we have it these days.

  14. Got several of her books (smug face) She is very good!

  15. Never heard of it Kev, looks worth putting in the queue.

  16. I read her many years ago ... it was an old book even then.There was also a movie. :)

  17. You have to watch the movie!! It is so good and so funny! I have a copy of the book also.
