
Monday 3 April 2017

Guess What's Back...

A beautiful spring day to have the sheep back on the homestead. 
Dad brought them over yesterday with my brother.

They're bagging up and could start lambing any day now! 

Could be a tough few weeks ahead! 

Rest is for the weak anyway!


  1. Know completely how you feel, we had grand sons for weekend, going back to work for a rest.

  2. good luck with the lambing, still waiting on kids here

  3. Look forward to seeing some photos.

  4. Hope you have good weather for the lambing season.

  5. Yes it's that time of year. Over the weekend I had a saddleback sow who produced 13 live piglets (plus 2 still born) and a third lamb of the season. Two more ewes to go.

  6. Hope lambing goes well, with no difficult presentations and decent weather

  7. Are you lambing outside again with your trailer? Good luck its a hard job and tiring.

  8. Yup, 2 out of 3 of ours are very bagged up, the third coming along too. First season for two of them, and the first year with a little brown ram, cute and friendly as can be, so interested to see what arrives.

  9. yay for lambs! my daughter and her boyfriend are talking about getting a farm. i could just lay down and die right now. though i need to live to go to that farm every day!

  10. Nice looking sheep. Which breed are they, and what is their wool like? Michelle in Wellington, NZ - a keen knitter!

  11. Nice :) Good luck with your lambing season! That is a lot of sheep. :)
