
Monday 15 May 2017

Tomato Plants

My tomato plants are romping away in the greenhouse at the moment. Now is the time I need to start thinking about potting them on and getting them in their final positions.

I'm planning on having at least one bed outside again this year but covered with a mini poly tunnel to start with, next year I'd like to create a couple of beds in the front garden where's there's a bit of a micro climate, I think they'd do well there and if I created a few beds I could rotate some veggies that like it slightly hotter (grow food not lawns and all that).

I have got far too many tomato plants though so when I pricking them out I did pot a few into root trainers with the idea of selling them online later on. I've just added a couple of listings to my Etsy shop which contains two lots of four open pollinated tomato plants.

They are all heritage varieties:

Four varieties of non hybrid tomato:

Amish Paste - From the Amish Community in America, huge plum tomatoes, one slice can cover a piece of bread! Apple sized fruit, dense flesh.

Abraham Lincoln - Large, meaty, flavourful tomatoes, 

Harbinger - An old English variety, produces heavy yields of good flavoured medium size fruit. Tolerates cool weather well so good for outside growing.

Millefleur - Centiflor type tomato. Hundreds of flowers on each truss, produces hundreds of little yellow fruits. 

And the other listing has four other varieties of non hybrid tomatoes:

Abraham Lincoln - Large, meaty, flavourful tomatoes, 

Best Of All - Great Heirloom variety 

Jersey Sunrise - Heavy cropper, very sweet, great all rounder

Legend - Outdoor tomato with good blight resistance, slightly flatter shape than normal, and very few seeds. 

Hopefully this will give someone else the chance to grow some of these interesting varieties of tomatoes!


  1. Of your varieties I've only tried the Amish Paste and have to say I think they make the most delicious sauce. Interesting that you are going to sell some of these on Etsy! I hope that's a huge success.

  2. Other than two different coloured Cherry Toms, all mine are 'Supersteak' which is basically an improved 'Marmande'. Very good Toms.

  3. I was trying out four types this year, Amish, Primabella, Nepal and Long Keeper, none of the long Keeper germinated but the other three are coming on well they are now planted in there final positions.

  4. My tomato plants look healthy but very busy and stumpy. Hoping they have a growth spurt soon. I've saved seeds whenever I can or swap with friends and family.

  5. How fabulous, I wish you every success and lots of healthy tomato plants!

  6. i planted my garden yesterday. i started way to many plants this year and am giving lots of them away!
