
Saturday 15 July 2017

Five Year Old Forager

 This bit of fennel melted my heart the other day.

The girls have the job of collecting the eggs every afternoon now. 

The hens are out of sight of the kitchen but they go off together, without me, and take some kitchen scraps salad leaves with them. I think it's nice to give them a bit of responsibility and it makes them feel like big girls (they're 3 and 5), the 3 year old even goes by herself sometimes. 

They always come back with a big smile and tell em how many eggs there are.
On Wednesday my eldest came up and asked what we where having for tea, when I asked why she said "because I've found some wild food Daddy, it might be nice with tea". 

She'd found some self set fennel down in the orchard, identified it and brought it back for me, she hadn't eaten any because she knows she's not allowed to eat things without showing me first when we're out and about. 

I was so proud of her, to me that was far better than reading a good school report. 

We each had a sprig on our new potatoes for tea that night and she sat there quite proudly as we ate it.


  1. Well done her, mind you, she has good teachers!

  2. Your children are wonderful! I really enjoy about hearing how they explore our world with your inspiring guidance.

    1. Don't worry they have their moments the other way as well! They're pretty good kids though, wouldn't change hem for the world.

  3. It's wonderful to hear things like that. So many children don't know what certain vegetables are, they certainly don't know what they look like growing. According to some children potatoes grow on trees.......I thought that was money!

    1. Both the three year old and the five year old can go to what ever plant I tell them in the veg garden adn get it for me, they're getting good with herbs as well.

  4. what a wonderful story! and to think she is just 5!

    1. i thought it was nice to write it here adn I could read it in years to come!

  5. Well done Kev! All I can say is that: All the teachings and training you invest in your children will stay with them for the rest of their lives and I'm sure they will be so grateful for that:) I feel so happy when I read that there are still very responsible parents out there who cares:) Greetings and love to your family!

    1. thanks Annie, I hope they look back at it all with fond memories not forced learning and working! I know I had a similar upbringing and look back on it as the best ever.

  6. Awwww... (heart melts a little).

    1. They can be really sweet and clever when they want to be!

  7. Some years ago, when I worked in a school, I was asked to create vegetable plot for the year 5/6 kids. I was so shocked that many of them had no clue about how vegetables grew, and some were terrified of getting dirt on their hands. Your girls are very fortunate in having such a hands on dad, who is raising them to know about the important things in life.
