
Sunday 24 December 2017

Merry Christmas!

I'm writing this the night before.

There's a mince pie, a rather stumpy carrot and a glass of milk on the side and upstairs there's three children that are really looking forward to the morning! 

I thought they were going to be far more excited than they were, but they were as good as gold at bedtime, snuggled up for me to read "The night before Christmas" just as my father did for me. 

In the kitchen one of our larger chickens, which we're having instead of a turkey, is defrosting on the side.

I've just spent the last hour preparing all the veg from the garden: brussel sprouts (although these could be a new breed of miniature sprouts!), winter squash (cut up a quarter of one and it was still too much!), carrots (These are supposed to be for seed saving but I couldn't resist), beetroots and leeks. I've also peeled the potatoes that we buy from a local farm.

The sausage meat, sausages and bacon that we buy from Rick, the village butcher, are all ready and waiting to be cooked. My wife has also made a Christmas pudding earlier in the month which is always amazing! Dinner should be incredible! The children have even made crackers for us all as well and have been trying so hard not to tell us what is in each one!

I'm really looking forward to this day and I have so much love for my wife who puts so much effort into it.

It's going to be lovely on Christmas morning watching the children enjoy the magic of it all, it's lovely as they still don't ask for much, all the girls have asked for is some lego men and a shared alarm clock that plays music! We'll have to see if Father Christmas brings them that or some coal!

I hope each and everyone one of you has a very Merry Christmas and it's everything you want it to be spent with the ones you love.



  1. The stumpy carrot almost looks as if it's masquerading as a beetroot!

    Happy Christmas from afar x

  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours too. It's sounds like it will be magical.

  3. That all sounds perfect Kev (apart from no Turkey). There's nothing like having small children in the house. I know you'll have a wonderful day. My very best wishes to you all. Cro.

  4. Merry Xmas Kev and all the family, I'm sure you'll all have a lovely day.

  5. Sounds like you are having a wonderful Christmas feast today! Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family.

  6. Love you guys, Merry Christmas x

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