
Friday 7 February 2020

Sewing Birthday Party

I know everyone says where do the years go but I really feel like that at the moment. My eldest turned 8 last month, and I know that there's a few on here that started following the blog when I started and she was just a couple of months old! 

My wife outdid herself with this cake!

She is turning into an incredible human being and is wise beyond her years at times. She very much knows her interests, what she likes and doesn't like. Last year we had a very "normal" type of party for her but I knew she didn't love it, as a few of the girls that came were quite loud and controlling. 

So this year she asked if she could have a much quieter party and she wanted it sewing themed! This girl is sewing obsessed, it's even what she wanted on her cake!  

One of her friends bags

So my wife approached the lady in the local sewing shop in the small town near where we live. She came with a friend and they made bags with my two daughters and her 5 friends (my boy also made one - no way was he being left out!)

I don't think I've ever been at a children's party where everyone has been so calm, it was just lovely. All the girls were so patient if they had to wait for help and all were really creative with what they made. They all got to try their hand at stitching the bags up as well. 

A wonderful calm party and the girls loved handing out the party bags they had made and sewn themselves the day before!

If you could have a party with any theme what would it be?


  1. I had a disco party for my 50th, every one dressed up in 70's clothes, loads of platforms and wigs, totally different but loads of fun. It's our grandson's 3rd birthday soon, that will be loud.

    1. HA! I love a disco, although I'm not much of a dancer. it was the school disco last night and the kids were wild!
      As for a 3 year olds birthday they're never very quiet!

  2. I'm one who remembers!

    The cake is so clever! And what a fun theme. Great activity too. My granddaughters always have themed parties, but so far they've just been for family. Last year it was Minecraft for one and basketball for the other. It's always fun to see how my DIL will decorate the cake.

  3. What a beautiful cake and a clever theme. I remember loving horses as a child and my parents (at my 10th) let me have my party at my grandparents farm - complete with horses for everyone to ride. Some of them were used to pulling plows, not riding people, but I remember I lot of laughing!

  4. We did a bread making one for my younger son...I think it was about his 8th too...he is now 21.

  5. What a lovely idea. I once threw a Pizza party for one of my brood. I bought a whole load of cheap pizza's in a variety of flavours, Several bottles of pop in different flavours and a few snacks. The kids were all given a bag of glass marbles as they arrived. They played marbles all afternoon. I was told by my son the next day that his friends had said it was the best party they had ever been to. That was high praise when 'McDonald's parties or Pizza hut parties were all the rage.
