
Thursday 6 August 2020

Wear A Mask?

There seems to be a lot of debate about wearing a mask at the moment. 

Now I'll be honest and say I only normally go shopping to buy food for animals (and I include the children in that description) and to buy wood, so I'm hardly a big high street shopper.

I'm not sure about the scientific information out there or who is right or wrong - I'm a carpenter and I hope brighter minds than mine are making the decisions (otherwise we're all screwed!). 

All I think is that at the moment that if I don't wear a mask then it might make someone fell uncomfortable, so I'll wear mine to make sure that doesn't happen. Luckily me eldest (with help from her mum) made me this mask to wear so I'm sorted. 


  1. There has been a lot of scientific research about masks. Of course long term follow-ups and parallel studies are quite impossible now in this situation, but most information is towards that using a mask (even if not perfect industrially made ones) protects others and even protects the one who wears mask. It doesn't give 100% protection, but infection spreads less when people are wearing masks. Why? Mask may stop virus, or people behave differently while wearing a mask; but effect is there - wearing a mask is deneficial.
    I hate wearing a mask (or anything else in front of may face/nose, makes me panic) but I wear it anyway. It might not protect me, but it might protect my parents, who are high risk, or my in-laws, or my childrens' teatchers.
    But of course it is easy to me, because atm I work at home, and do my grocheries once a week.

  2. I'm happy to wear a mask, it's not comfortable and it's hot, bit I see the point in wearing it.

  3. Yes, sometimes they're necessary. I think the main concern should be wearing them for too long. Symptoms of Mask Suffocation Syndrome are identical to the symptoms of Covid-19.

  4. Yep we wear our masks everywhere. I think of it more of, I could be a carrier. The next person to touch something or be near me, could have no one to shop for them and they could be the carer of someone who has to shield, some body pregnant, someone with cancer, someone with breathing issues. Its a sign of respect for other people that you are acknowledging that you are caring for others you dont know. And in that way you are keeping the community safe and well. Its about being a good citizen and thinking of others and not just yourself. p.s. love the blue colour of the mask.

  5. Here, in New Zealand, we have just been told that we should have masks available for all members of the household for WHEN not IF there is a resurgence of Covid. Up to now it is very rare to see someone in a mask.

  6. Here the won't let you in stores unless you wear one by order of the self absorbed nut job state governor. Absolutely absurd. And about as effective a putting up a chain-link fence to stop mosquitoes. You've worn the N-95 medical masks while sanding drywall and you know your face is full of white dust in about ten minutes. Those dust particles are 10K times bigger than any airborne bat-flu particle.

  7. If you cannot decide about masks, just look to the USA- ask yourself one question- Do I want that to be my country? I work in full PPE for 8hrs a day, and I never go into ANY business without wearing a mask.

  8. If you cannot decide about masks, just look to the USA- ask yourself one question- Do I want that to be my country? I work in full PPE for 8hrs a day, and I never go into ANY business without wearing a mask.
