
Thursday 12 November 2020

An 8 Year Old Sewing Curtains

 My eldest (8) spent the weekend making her curtains. Her mum pinned them for her but she did all the sewing on the machine. She's as pleased as punch with them!

We asked her last night what she would like for Christmas and all she could come up with was some empty bobbins!
Face with tears of joy


  1. Well done that girl! and I love the material.

  2. I have had a sewing machine since I was 12, which helped me through many times when I could not afford to get the nice things I saw, I made most things when I was younger. Nurture her love of sewing it's a good life skill to have.

  3. What a lovely job. Will give her extra skills and the ability to make what she wants clothes wise in future years x

  4. Great job! The pattern is wonderful!

  5. It's fantastic the way you are bringing your girls and son up Kevin, they're going to grow up to be such well rounded and useful people.

  6. That's brilliant. May her love of sewing continue, we may see her on the great British Sewing Bee.

  7. good for her! and my heavens, she is a beauty!

  8. Input from an old guy - and shop guy - who had a sewing teacher for a wife: First, what a pretty girl. Be proud. Second, my wife and I were always amazed at the similarities between sewing with fabric and constructing with sheet metal. The two skills are so parallel. Learn one, know the other! I love seeing kids - and everybody else too - learning and enjoying being creative with materials and how to do things with them. Sometimes one might save a coin, most times not. All the times it builds self confidence and satisfaction. Good on you! (and get her a big box of bobbins!)

    1. Tim, trust me, making ones own clothes (especially my business clothes) saves a mountain of money. Womens fashion and business clothes are incredibly expensive if decently made and properly fitted. Kev, good on your daughter and all power to her arms. F

  9. The curtains are great. You and your wife are doing a wonderful job of parenting.

  10. A thought for Christmas - a day with just her Mum to go to a nice fabric store (along with some $$) to pick and choose. No hurry, just look and feel. I liked to make things as a child and an aunt did this for me. It's probably one present I'll remember for ever. No rush, just the textiles, the buttons, the colors - it was a beautiful day.

  11. Thank you everyone for your lovely comments - I read them to her and she just loved it.
