
Saturday 5 February 2022

Boba Fett Stick

This is probably the most dangerous thing I've made with my son! 

We've been watching the book of Boba Fett after the kids swimming lesson each week as a little treat together (before my wife gets home from work as she is not a star wars fan). A few weeks ago Boba got a stick from the tuskan raiders and my boy decided he'd quite like one. 

But he didn't want the one Boba had, but another he had seen in the background. He drew me a picture and talked me through what it should look like. 

He was so excited to make this he didn't stop talking the whole time. We went down to the bottom hedge and found a good hazel pole that we could cut out. 

Then he said we needed to "take the skin off the branch" with the drawknife. He loves this job and it's such a nice thing to do with him on the shave horse. 
the end had a weird cross thing he wanted so I cut into the stick and added a couple of pieces of ply to form what was in his mind. 

He was so proud of it!

It's now in his room drying so he can paint it. I have told him that it will live outside when it's finished and he's never to use it as a weapon! 

Boys and their sticks! I was just the same at his age! 

Who else loves a good stick?


  1. Nothing like a good stick. I still collect them if they have a good gnarly bit on one end that can be carved into an interesting 'handle'. My perfect stick would be Gandalf's staff.

    1. I still love getting a good stick, last year they all made a walking stick for their lockdown walks and they still love them!

  2. Well done! It's the simple things that lend themselves well to imaginative learning.

    1. His imagination is so great - I love what he comes up with.

  3. That is super cool Kev!

    In all fairness, I train with wooden weapons still, so maybe we never outgrow it.

    1. Haha! Yeah I think you're right, something about it isn't there?
