
Friday 11 February 2022

Seed Swap Haul

I love coming back from the seed swap, tired but fired up about the garden year - Maybe this is what was missing from my gardening last year and why I seemed to have no mojo about it all!  

This is my haul, a lot of seeds, but then I took about 100 packets as well so I don't feel too guilty! 

I love looking through all the packets on the table and seeing the interesting varieties people have brought. I'm terrible for peas and beans, so easy to save the seeds from, I love growing them everywhere in buckets and tubs to save up more seed and have jam jars of different types on my shelves! 

I managed to get some herbs I was after as well and chillies! Lots to keep me busy this year. 

My friend, Frank, who grows loads for the seed swap brought me some grains to try as he knows I like to mess around with small plots much like he does. 

I'm looking forward to trying one or two of these this year. I should make a new area for some of these grains to grow (although I won't as I want to get back on top of what I already have growing). 

What's the most interesting seed you've picked up from a seed swap?


  1. Nice to see envelopes being recycled. I was in Home Depot last fall when they put out all their unsold seeds with a 'FREE' sign. A lot of the packets were the overpriced and underfilled organic seed packets. I got $500. worth of seeds so now I let my friends choose from my seed supply. I took a fraction of the available seeds. Previous to that, Habitat for Humanity had been given unsold seeds from Canadian Tire. I had bought $20. worth at 50 cents a pack. Once again, a lot of expensive packets with a dearth of seeds. I had not spent more than a couple dollars on seeds in years as I seed save and use old seed. Seed swapping is a good way to build community. Hope you have great success with your seeds.

    1. Wow! That's some haul of seeds! I do a lot of seed swaping although do end up being seduced and buying some every year!

  2. It's not growing things that is my hobby but quilting. Last year I barely did anything, but I find myself sewing again and feeling quite optimistic. I guess the stay at home thing had more effect than I understood.
    I look forward to seeing your garden this year - maybe a few videos again, that would be a real treat.

    1. I keep thinking of doing videos but never quite getting round to it! I should though!
      The stay at home thing got me, not so much staying at home, whihc I do anyway, more the news and stuff got me a bit down.
