
Sunday 13 March 2022

New Branding Irons - Outpost Workshop

Just after Chrismas my branding iron broke, the thread stripped and it would no longer mount on the handle. For a while I used it with a pair of mole grips, but they'd soon get hot and after a few firings the brand started to bend - it's not how they should be used! 

So I set about looking to have a new one made. I found a company on Instagram called Outpost workshop who was UK based so sent him a message and the files to have it made. My sister and her partner designed the logo 6 years ago now - and so the old brand has served me well!

I emailed him on the Thursday evening, by the Monday morning it was with me! Unbelievable service! I was so pleased!

I had two made this time, a smaller one for my smaller products, and an electric heating element in the bigger one, which I end up using quite  few times in a week. I can tell you after using the electric one that it's not as fun as a blowtorch, but it's so much easier! The smaller one won't get used so much so it's fine to have that one to heat up the old fashioned way. 

It's great that I can carry on branding the items I make, I think I've used it 20 times so far and I've been really pleased, I'm hoping for many years service from it! 

Ever used a branding iron? 


  1. That looks great Kev!

    I have not, but the man that keeps cattle at my parents' place had a new branding iron made from the original version of the one my great-great grandfather used. I think it is pretty much used for marking items around The Ranch, but my father does have the original iron at his house.

    1. That's cool that you still have the original!
