
Monday 7 March 2022

Teaching Children Woodcarving

 My girls have wanted to try a bit more carving lately.

So I set up a couple of stations for them to work at with a mallet each with a few of the basic tools needed. I also cut them a small piece for lime each for them. 

A feather is the perfect project to start with.

So far I've shown them to line in the carving with a V tool. Then the next two steps they've only just started with. That is to lower the back ground using a deeper gouge then to level those cuts with shallower gouge. 

I love that they already have great control of the tools and can work them around the wood. To make things easier I do draw on the direction they need to take until they understand a little more about grain direction - but that will come with practice. 

Next they have to add some details, which should really test them. 

Love having them in the workshop! I often wonder what they'll remember of this kind of thing when they're older. 


  1. Kev, they are never going to forget their fantastic childhood, ever, you have created happy children, with minds which want to know and the desire to do anything.

    1. Ah thank you! They'll probably never forget me nagging about table manners! OR being grumpy when I'm tired! Lol! They have a good life though, yesterady they were outside and all we could hear was laughter the whole time!

  2. What great skills to teach Kev - and what talent!

    Honestly, teaching a child to do something with their hands is something that in some way or form, stays with them throughout their life.

    1. My children already seem so dextrous. It was when my young lad got on the potters wheel last year and was using it with ease I thought how good they all were at doing practical things.

  3. Believe me Kev they will remember all of it. My father was a carpenter and I used to love being around him and his tools when I was a girl. I am now 72 and my father has been gone for 25 years and I still remember all of it. Especially "Karen, don't choke the hammer". You are doing a fine job with your children.

    1. Don't choke the hammer! I'm always saying that to the girls! Lol! Hopefully they'll remember lots of good things. I hope it's not so much of me moaning about how messy their rooms are!
