
Sunday 15 January 2023

Tools For A Seven Year Old...

It's sometimes hard to decide what to get children for their birthdays, especially when they're so close to Christmas.

For the boys birthday this week I had a really good idea though. 

He loves spending time in the workshop with me, either carving or wood turning. 

So I made him a carving mallet from a Medlar tree my friend had taken down a few months ago. Medlar is supposed to be a really hard wood with tight grain, said to be used for lots of things that needed to be near indestructible. Perfect for a carving mallet. It turned up lovely - the second time, first time there was a fault in the wood and I had to bin it! 

This size and shape is the same as one of mine that I use. It's funny, I have a few carving mallets in the workshop and when the children come in they always pick this style and I do as well. 

 The other part of the present was a "Make your own V-Tool kit" Consisting of an old v-tool blade, a ferrule and a block of ash. 

The idea behind this is that he can turn a new handle for the tool with me on the lathe, and we can fit it together. And I can make sharpen it up with him. 

He was really pleased with it and has asked me about 10 times what we're doing Saturday so we can make it!


  1. Perfect gift, once made he can understand how to look after it, you are teaching your children great life skills.

    1. Thanks, it's nice that he's so interested and willing to do it.

  2. Your son (and your daughters, too, of course) must bring you so much joy! Even though I don't understand exactly what you're saying in this little post regarding the wood, tools and the proposed project (!), I felt all kinds of warm fuzzies thinking of the wonderful bond between you and your son. :o)

    1. Ah thank you! They really do, I feel very lucky that they're such good company.

  3. Perfect. Our grandson is 6 this week and inspired by you a tool box is under construction. Not sure what is going into it yet other than a pair of overalls. BTW I have a small palm mallet turned out of an old wooden lawn bowl ball - also heavy and indestructible whatever it is. Someone told me once to use some hornbeam to make mallets if I could get my hands on any.

    1. I bet that's Lignum vitae! An incredible wood if it is, sinks in water!
      I love that you're making a tool box now as well! Sounds awesome. I'd love to see it when you're done.

  4. That is amazing - and a great gift Kev!

    1. Ah thank you! I've been thinking about it for ages. I probably shouldn't have left it to the last minute though!
