
Tuesday 21 March 2023

What To Sow In March

On Sunday the sun was shining and the birds were singing. I decided it was time for a bit of gardening. Nothing too strenuous though, I fancied a bit of seed planting! 

It's one of my favourite things to do, sow seeds and dream about future harvests. 

I decided to film it as well, showing what I was sowing. I still have lots to do and lots of prep in the garden. I need to clean out the polytunnel, clear some garden beds, move muck to fertilise them, build new compost bins, the list goes on! 

But it does feel good to have the time critical jobs done, tomatoes, leeks, kohl rabi, beets and salads sown, all to start growing and feed us. 

Watch the video above and let me know what you're growing and what you think I've forgottem - there's bound to be something!  


  1. I don't grow much from seed, my garden is too small, but I do have tomato and cucumber started.

    1. Last year my cucumbers were so late, I think I'll try some early ones this year. My kids love them and will eat them like apples, so I don't think I could ever grow too many.

  2. The snow just melted and it is raining so nothing growing yet over here. We did burn our asparagus bed to remove last year's growth and to promote this years sprouts. Hopefully in a couple weeks we will get something in the ground.

    After a number of years of planting a large garden, we seeded half of it down with red clover and are cutting our labors in half. We tend to focus on crops and then preserve enough for several years if we can. Last year our focus was on dry shell beans. Since we are running out of tomato stores, this year the focus will be on tomatoes. But we still hope to plant other things that we just eat fresh while in season, like kohl rabi and snow peas.

    1. That's a good idea with the clover. I ended up not growing on some beds last year and they just grew weeds. I wish I had put down a crop like that instead as it would have been a proper rest instead for them. I might be gearing mine to be quite diabetic friendly, so having lots of things my eldest can snack on, without worrying about her blood sugar levels shooting up.
