
Friday 22 July 2016

Off Grid Parents?

Now, without wanting to jump on any band wagons (although I know I am), I read about this family and couldn't help but write about it to see what others think. 
In short they're a family of four that practice what they call "off grid parenting". Some of what she mentions in the video is just normal parenting anyway but some is pretty far to the left.

They have two children, one is a child of five who still breast feeds, no bed times for either or times to wake up and they don't believe in medicines or vaccines of any sort other than lemon juice for a cold or breast milk for an eye infection. They say that in terms of parenting and rules that they don't really have any. 

All this I can live with, each to their own and all that, even if I disagree with some of it (anyone that thinks breast feeding at that age is natural wants to look in the natural world and see how many animals are still breast feeding that far into life, especially when they have a younger sibling).

And I do think that what they've done is to be controversial to get media coverage (and coverage from blogs as well I guess - but I know I'm reacting to something that has been created to make me react so it's alright - if that makes sense.)

All this is their own choice so i think fair play to them in some respect, and I know that they're getting a certain amount of social media backlash which I think every family would want to avoid and they may be regretting their decision to go public with all of this at this moment but there is one thing that is really bugging me about it and it could be the reason they've suddenly appeared in the media - they're asking for money to start up their self sufficient life in Costa Rica from total strangers read their funding page here, although you do get an ebook in return for your donation, once it's been written. 

They want £100,000 to start their life over there to become self sufficient. 

So would you going to donate or do you think that the money should be earnt from the sweat off their brow to live the way they want to?

What do you think? 


  1. As you say, everyone to their own, but I think they should pay their own way, after all, there are much more needy things we could contribute to, like people who have found themselves in situations that are not of their own making, ie famine, refugees, homelessness, cancer, etc. etc. It's their choice, they should pay ... simples!

  2. I agree that if they want to start a new life somewhere else, they should need to do it themselves. I became a widow 27 months ago, and I am having to make it on my own without my husband of 39 years. I can't imagine asking for money to start a different life because of my circumstances. from Iowa, USA

  3. I have always believed you earn your rewards, the hard work the success which can follow makes the person you are. They will have to work hard but to ask for the first step, it makes me wonder how strong are they, 'easy come, easy go' springs to mind.

  4. I agree with you, I have no respect for people asking for handouts, you get what you put in. One other thing I totally disagree with is not vaccinating children. It's selfish and immoral. There are vulnerable children in society who can not be immunised for health reasons and they are protected by the majority being vaccinated and preventing disease spread. Plus in the uk we all pay when your child needs long term medical and social care because they have life long damage from measles, if you were lucky and they didn't die.

  5. Well! Never thought of that! We could have bought our smallholding so much earlier if we had asked for total strangers to fund it! WTF - self-reliance/sufficiency? They have no concept of what that means. You will gather I am shouting at the screen.

  6. Completely agree with earlier posters. We had to save up and work hard for years to achieve the property I have now, and I continue to work in order to maintain it. Asking for free handouts is just a joke! I don't see them getting that much in donations.

  7. Bold way of earning a living?? another marketing strategy... I'm not buying...I'm better off to the garden to see what I can find to fix a meal for my family!!

  8. I was supportive of them even though I disagreed with some of their ideas until I realised they were asking for money. Write the ebook first and use the profits from that to fund your new life!! I admire anyone who has the guts to go off grid but to ask those of us still on it to fund them is frankly delusional

  9. I do t mind lifestyle, but to sit their and say "I let my child sweat out Scarlett fever"... So, who foots the bill when her kid needs a heart transplant."" I let my kids play with insects and eat leaves". Good grief... I pray she was just saying that, and not letting her kids eat random leaves/berries off the ground.

  10. I've seen a very nice diamond ring that would great on my hand, but it's £100,000, maybe I should ask for contributions towards the cost!

    1. will you send me an e-book if I donate?

    2. I'll send you a photograph of the sparkler on my finger!

  11. The breastfeeding may seem a bit weird but not truly a problem. World Health Organisation recommends carrying on until 3yrs and in some parts of the world that face malnutrition and food shortages it can be an asset to carry on longer. Vast majority of children give up when they are ready - my son when he was 18 months. The stance on medicine is very foolish- avoid unnecessary antibiotics, yes, but as J and M says kids don't sweat out some illnesses!Trying to raise money for their "self sufficient" life sucks (but then if people are daft enough to give...)


    Your going to love this one Kev. Real snowflake in action.

  13. I am going to be controversial and say, as a Mum who breast fed, that its just wrong. My gut feeling when I saw the photo of that big boy still suckling was cut the cord for goodness sake. Although ironically they didn't do that either, ha ha. I would not donate. I work a full time job and then 2 evenings a week to make ends meet, get off your bums!

  14. Perhaps I should start fundraising to pay off our mortgage? It doesn't seem very self sufficient to my way of thinking to be asking people to pay for them to become self sufficient. Self sufficient surely means just that.

  15. If they think self reliant means asking for money up front they are either deceiving themselves or trying to deceive us. I suspect they are much more interested in celebrity than hard work. Sadly, here in Canada, a toddler recently died a painful death due to his parents obsessive belief in no medical intervention. The father is completely unrepentant but at least is in prison for neglect.

    1. I was going to mention the family in Lethbridge that were using 'natural remedies' and their child died of meningitis. Thank goodness there are some very strict conditions placed on the family re the care of their children.
      It could be a while before this family goes to Costa Rica as they have only got 1% of their goal so far. What a joke!!!!

  16. I did read the article and wondered if it was manipulated to grab attention. The photo of the older child standing up breast feeding was controversial to say the least. Like so many people on here I have worked hard for my money but perhaps I should be asking the public to support my up and coming retirement.......all donations welcome.

  17. While the parents are living their happy clappy life, they are putting their children at unnecessary risk by not inoculating them and self diagnosing ailments and treatments. Also the kids need to have some semblance of routine and boundaries. Sorry, but I just don't "get" this way of parenting. My age is showing.

  18. No. They are 'milking' the media attention they created. Definitely not putting any money their way.

  19. I want to take my family on a month long snowboarding trip to the Rockies. It will be great fun for our little boy and we'll get to visit some friends who live in the US now.

    I'll set up a GoFundMe page. If you donate a tanner I'll send you a postcard. £20 gets you anpostcard and a some annoying texts at 3am when I forget the time difference. £50 will get you all the above and a crappy snow globe souvenir.

    Any takers?


  20. No one dripped 100 in my lap for me to make our family self sufficient dream come true, I earnt it the good honest hard way and so should everyone else

  21. The comments on that crowdfunding page are pretty universal! Apparently Costa Rica has mandatory vaccinations ...

  22. Good grief! What is with this generation of people who lack the self-responsibility and self-respect to take care of themselves without asking others to do it for them? We've all (or at least the majority of us) worked hard, done without when necessary, scrimped and saved and denied ourselves in order to accomplish our goals. I do get downright angry when anyone expects hand-outs. As one of the commenters above said, there are many causes more deserving (just what makes this couple deserving at all?) than supporting people who aren't willing to work toward their dreams.

  23. Doesn't "self-sufficient" mean SELF SUFFICIENT--in other words, you take care of your OWN NEEDS by YOURSELF. Cripes, we live in bizarre times...........

  24. Having lived on Vancouver Island and experienced this type of parent and their offspring at close range, they are all bat shit crazy.

    Only their lives matter! Their needs are paramount but hey, spread the peace and love and good karma!

    No child that can walk, talk, and has teeth to eat should still be nursing.

    Don't start me on the death of that child down in Lethbridge! One columnist summed up nicely when they said during the trial summation all the jury heard was what great parents those two were! The innocent victim was never named.

    Contribute, hell no.

    1. ''No child that can walk, talk, and has teeth to eat should still be nursing.''
      But we ALL use the milk from another species. That's ok then?
      Don't get me wrong, I only managed six months of breast feeding but I hate to see women picked on for breastfeeding their kids when the dairy industry is built on animal misery.

  25. Free range? are they raising chickens?
    what a bunch of fruitcakes!!!
    got to love that comment on the video:
    ---"She's absolutely right. My mom and I have made such a "mutual decision." In fact, I was sucking her breasts only weeks ago. It's sterile, you know. You people need to stop be so "narrow minded." Sometimes, my sister and I will sit on opposite sides & fill our cereal bowls."-----

  26. I have no words to describe what I think of this .... my gast has been flabbered!!

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