
Thursday 21 July 2016

You're Not A Beautiful And Unique Snowflake

I really enjoyed reading everyone's comments on the blog yesterday and it kept making me think of a quote from one of my favourite books- 

“You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world.”

If you've never read the book or watched the film I strongly advise you to. 
It is graphically violent (so be warned!) but it's so much more than that, there are lines in the book that have stayed with me since I've read them. 
It looks at our society, consumerism and a rejection of being spoon fed a life that is defined by what car you drive, and instead going out and changing things for ourselves. I'm not going to spoil it if you haven't watched it but I'll leave with one more quote from the book - 

“Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.” 

Who else loves this book and film? Do you think it's a good social commentary?


  1. Love both quotes, but like loads of your other readers, we are all like minded, and we understand our consumer world and have removed our rose tinted glasses

    1. I'm under no illusions, I know I'm preaching to the converted! But it's always good to hear it from other people.

  2. Will have to have a look for the book, love the quotes, when I see some of the stuff on social media I do sometimes think they live in a different world to me and speak a different language I wouldnt know a designer anything even if it jumped up and danced in front of me

  3. I put this on my "library list"-and my Netflix queue. I'm not sure I'll like the violence part, but I am intrigued.

    1. Like I said it is very (very) violent but it's not without purpose. Let me know how you get on!

  4. re Chuck's quote - Professor Brian Cox said virtually the same thing on telly the other night, implying that we're all just part of the earth and we all get recycled - how true. And everything has been designed by somebody, so this 'designer' label thing is a nonsense too!

    1. I like Brian Cox to read but I find his voice so off putting (making myself sound shallow now!). We all get returned to the earth one way or another.

  5. I had forgotten about this! I read all of Chuck's books about 10 years ago. I remember that they were good, but not specific quotes, no wonder I enjoyed them all :) thanks for sharing this.

    1. I think I need to read a few more of his thinking about it. My trouble is I keep reading garden book after garden book at the moment!

  6. Replies
    1. There are so many in this book it's hard to pick them!

  7. LOVE the film, you should check this out:
    I'm going to have to watch it again now to spot everything, love the fact about the punch!

    1. I've just lent my copy to someone. If you ever find the time I recommend the book, amazing and different to the film but somehow the same. Loved both.
      Love the facts, also love that they took soap making classes!

  8. Love the quotes. I've never seen the film, after reading all those facts about it ... maybe I should.

    1. It's easily one of my favourites but like I said be warmed about the violence but there is purpose behind it.

  9. I don't like the violence in films unless necessary. Like consumerism violence is often added to attract the audience. It sounds like a well balanced film so I'll look out for it in future.

    1. There is a lot of violence but for the film to work there has to be, at times it doesn't make for pleasant watching but then I don;t think the film is meant to be pleasant to watch.

  10. My fav movie, it's awesome social commentary and I love the quotes ...the one you use is the best. And the one about people not listening to each other just waiting for their turn to talk. It has a nice little kick at the end too :)
