
Wednesday 28 March 2018

Guess What's Back...

So yesterday I picked up the sheep from my fathers farm and transported them back to our smallholding. 

I'm down to 25 ewes now, but hopefully they're all in lamb and they're all proven mothers. I was worried I was going to get stuck getting them in the field, I'd borrowed a stock box from one of my dads friends and it would be embarrassing if I couldn't get it back to him. 

Luckily the truck proved it's worth and got it over the fields no problems, even with the rain the night before, it does make it easier to move sheep

We then had to move a few things around for the sheep, setting up troughs and a few other bits and bobs. The girls moved the one, but they did moan about it! 

Feeding time! 
The boy also showed how fearless he is of them and ended up down the bottom of the six acre field herding the whole flock back round to me on his own! He was so pleased to see his sheep back. when he saw them he held his hands wide and shouted "MY SHEEEEEEEPPPPPP!" with a huge grin on his face! A happy little two year old!

So today brings a day of fetching some more stuff back from dads, we even found a old hay rick in the orchard so I'm going to try and do that up to make it usable again as there still isn't much grass on the fields.


  1. It's neat your kids are so interested in things.

    1. So far so good! They haven't got too obsessed with tablets yet!

  2. The comment about your little boy really make me smile!

    1. He was so cute! Just so excited to see them!

  3. I love that your kids are so involved!

  4. what a cute story about your son!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a sweet story. Lucky little kids to have this in their lives.
    Can't wait for the day when we can have some larger animals... the husband and I love going to sheep dog trials and watching the dogs work. Someday, maybe. For now I just impulse bought more chickens.

    1. I think they are but they do moan as well when I drag them out in the rain! They keep on about pigs at the moment!

  7. Your children are fortunate to be brought up in such great surroundings and with parents who inspire them.

    1. Thank you! Not sure if we inspire them or just force them outside!

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