
Wednesday 14 March 2018

Preparing Wood For Next Winter

When you're a smallholder or homesteader you're always preparing for something. When one jobs finishes you have to think about the next one, or what you'll do the next year, that's the cycle of things with this lifestyle.
Our wood burner is on a lot less this time of year but I still need to think how I'm going to fuel it next year.

Now is the perfect time to start topping up our firewood levels, there's plenty of storm damaged wood on the ground and it needs cleaning up before the grass starts growing, otherwise it just grows rubbish and weeds around it.

I spent a few hours out there yesterday and got one area cleaned up but still need to do more today. I'm out of practice with a chainsaw though and I know I'll ache in the morning as it uses muscles I'm not used to using!

Feels good to do some proper smallholding jobs rather than working on the house - although I have so much to do in the house but that's not as critical as getting the fields ready for the sheep!

Who else is doing some smallholder maintenance and tidying up at the moment?


  1. We have a woodburner and a Rayburn Kev so I know where you are coming from. The Rayburn is gradually being phased out and should be dormant from April but with some chilly nights still we are using the burner. We have trees in the garden which need to come down before they are heavier with leaves and these will be our stock for next year. Very luckily Jon's job at the sawmill means if we are caught short he can bring home a boot full of logs, which he will do this evening! We are also still waiting to get some acquired materials in order to fix the Poly House but I am grateful for the conservatory and will start seeds in there.

  2. Been strimming soft Rushes this week. Too wet and cold to weed. Managed to mow lawns last week.

  3. Here in northern Minnesota, we've still got snow on the ground so other than regular chores, there's not much going on yet in the way of outside projects. We've been talking and planning, though, so the minute the weather allows we'll be on the wood prep for next winter.

    Regarding the "new" muscles you're feeling from chainsaw work, I'm already thinking about my lower back that always complains when I start working in the garden each season. We think we're active enough to stay "in shape" but it's always a wake-up call to find out there are certain muscles that don't get worked except with a certain activity!

  4. I've never known a winter this wet in a long time. I'm using the conservatory too start my seeds.

  5. No grass visible here. We've had more snow in March, already, than we have had in recorded history. We have about 6 feet on our front lawn. Thank goodness for wonderful neighbours. One got up on our roof yesterday to clear some of the snow as we had several ice dams formed on the edge of the roof causing problems. Another neighbour dug out about 30x4foot strip to expose the drainage pipes so that the sun we've had the last couple of days would start to thaw them out. But of course the weather forecast is for 6-8 inches of snow tomorrow and more on Friday and Saturday!!! Where oh where is spring!
