Sunday 11 March 2018

Storm Damage

During the snow storms I noticed a bit of storm damage in the one field I rent. 
 A poplar tree had fallen over. In fairness to the tree I'd been on about taking it down since the two  next to it fell over a few years ago. The first one is here and the second one is in a post here.
 Now although I do get the wood from this tree (I've asked the landlord and they've had so much storm damage in their garden that they've got enough firewood for years), there is also a fair bit of work that'll go into sorting this out.
I'm going to have to log and split all the wood. Good because we burn a lot of wood, but it's not he best firewood in the world, but you don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
 I'm also going to have to repair the fence.
I've already repaired this section of fence before in atypical farmers fashion but shoving a few hurdles in the holes. I think when I get the tree out it might have to be a more permanent fix with fence posts and wire!


  1. We've had a few bad winter storms here over the pasft week as well; we lost part of a tree and also a chicken (not squashed by the tree). As you said, free firewood at least.

    1. And free food for a predator by the sounds of it. I used to hate when my birds would free range and one didn't show up. Half of you thinks its dead and the other half thinks it's sat on eggs. It's normally dead though.

  2. They use the wood here mostly for the making of Camembert boxes. I suppose you could 'diversify'.

    1. I'd need soem cheese as well. To be fair the tree isn't in great shape so only for firewood I think.

  3. You could sell some of it for firewood? Is Poplar an hardwood? I would imagine it would last for years if you made gates out of it?

    1. I'll save it until I need it Dave, no point in selling it when we burn so much. Poplar is a good wood for inside work that's going to be painted, but nothing outside as it rots too fast.

  4. we have had 3 trees down this winter. Which is good for fire wood but we are struggling to store it all. We have thought of selling some. our log splitter is working over time at the weekends

    1. Storage is my problem. I can stack it outside but then it doesn't season properly.


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