Wednesday 10 January 2024

A Capable Young Lady

 Monday was the last day of the holidays before the children went back to school. 

I had planned to work in the workshop, we'd had a busy few weeks and the children deserved a "chillout" day to take it easy before the madness of schools, scouts and swimming starts again. 

But our Middlest got up early and started to make focaccia by hand, she then shouted up to me to ask if she could light the fire - she was worried the house wasn't warm enough to prove her bread. 

I got up and put a dough mix in the bread maker and asked if she would make the rolls I needed for tea and for the freezer. 

When I came back in later she had made the rolls up and they were proving, she had also chopped her rosemary for the focaccia and left it in oil to infuse. Keeping the fire stoked all morning to keep it warm (and the rest of them)

She cooked the bread herself and cooked the rolls. 

The bread was delicious and I'm sure I ate too much of it. 

In the afternoon, as well as playing with her siblings, she also baked another batch of rolls (we need lots for lunch boxes) she also baked a brownie for the week as well. 

A very capable young lady. 


  1. Your house must have smelled amazing😊

  2. It's great that your children can bake for themselves.

  3. Self assured children are a blessing for everyone, send them hugs for me.

  4. You are one lucky man my friend!

  5. That looks and sounds amazing, Kev! So great that young people have such initiative and independence.

  6. A great way to start the day. The smell of fresh bread and herbs. Your Children are so capable, they are going to make wonderful adults. Enjoy this time with them, they grow so fast , ours have flown the nest, the youngest gets married this June, to a farmer.


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