Tuesday 15 January 2013

Making Cereal Bars

Mornings are a slightly rushed affair in our house. And although I have a full bowl of muesli every morning (and have done since I was about 7 years old), my wife insists on having a "cereal bar".
As I do the food shopping I really begrudge buying these bars, for the same price as my big bag of muesli you get around 10 tiny bars. This set me thinking as to whether we could make our own - the "we" as it was Daddy-Daughter Monday.
Ready for some stirring
We decided to look at recipes on the Internet and find the one that was either - a) looked the easiest or b) contained ingredients we had in the store cupboard. This didn't really happen, so I decided to "adapt" a recipe (how many meals I wrecked from doing this I've lost count).
Quite a few ingredients
We brought a host of dried fruit and seeds during the weekly shop and when we got some we set to it.
The ingredients were -
200g of rolled oats,
100g of rice crispys (or cheap rice snaps as I bought),
200g unsalted butter ,
6 table spoons of golden syrup,
two table spoons of linseed,
two table spoons of pumpkin seeds,
two table spoons of sunflower seeds,
100g of dates and dried apricots,
Some currents for good measure.
two bananas mushed up
Quality control was tough...
Nothing too tough about this - melt the butter, chop everything up (fruit and seeds) and mix it all together. Bake it for 20 minutes and then see that it doesn't really stick together. I was a bit disappointed about this, I think maybe it was my addition of the rice crispys that might have done it (I wanted to make sure it wasn't like flapjack) or the fact that I only put in half the golden syrup in by mistake!
Almost bar like
Some of it made good bar like chunks though and my wife had it for breakfast this morning and said how nice it was.
It was also a great way to spend an afternoon with my baby, as she loved every minute, she talked me through every step, stirred the mixture and tasted all the different fruit and seeds that went into it (although she wouldn't lick the spoon at the end - I had to instead!).
So it wasn't a complete failure but wasn't quite as cereal bar like as I was hoping, maybe next time.
 Has anyone else made cereal-type bars (not flapjack I can make that) and if so were they any good?


  1. Replies
    1. Thankyou - although I'm not sure you should be until I get it right!

  2. Well the ingredients certainly sound yummy!

    1. It all tastes pretty good. Just need to make it set better!

  3. You can add me to the 'impressed' list.

  4. If you had used all the golden syrup it should have helped it stick together in bar form better. I also found using a slightly smaller tin than suggested so the mixture is thicker also helps it to stay 'bar' shaped too. Just remember to score the bars shapes as soon as it comes out of the oven and then leave to cool down in the tin.

    They sound lovely though and all the bits are just like having some granola, so you could have some for breakfast too!

    You'll save a fortune, and your wife will be much healthier (and fuller) eating homemade bars instead of bought once you find a recipe you can turn out quickly and easily each week.

    Sue xx

    1. Cheers Sue I'll try that. I was thinking of doing a massive batch and then freezing some getting them out the night before. Mind you I'd probably forget!

  5. Here in Angola the girls would call you a Black and Decker Homen. This is a serious compliment and B&D men are much sought after (in other words, the girls would be fighting over you). The advert for B&D tools was 'Faz Tudo!', Does Everything!

    Nice to see that the Underboss of the Alviti Family has a softer side...

    1. Black and Decker has gone down hill in recent years, maybe I am to! I can honestly say I've only ever had girls fight over me once and that was a group of postitutes from Senegal but I'll save that story for another time (never been so scared...). Thanks though I'll take it as a huge compliment!

  6. Respect! I would eat those AND you had fun with E, making them. Win/win in my book!

    But yes maybe more golden syrup would help - or just make flapjack from the ingredients and *say* they are breakfast bars?

    What IS the difference, after all. ..? Cereal, fruit, fats?

  7. Blogger ate my comment?

    Well done Kev, I bet they tasted fab and you both had a terrific time making them. Maybe more golden syrup next time? as it helps with the sticking together.

    1. Must have! "More golden syrup" would probably be a good maxim for life - I love the stuff. I will add more next time!

  8. I see my post eventually re appearred? Blogger palying silly, again...!

    I love Golden Syrup as well - especially on porridge! Hope is all well with you all, in the snow

    1. Yeah blogger can be a bit funny sometimes. I have to load pictures through the HMTL part of the uploader!

  9. Not sure how to put in the link but check out the banana breakfast bars at Elains Mortgage Free in Three


    1. Thanks for the link I'll have a look at these. You're not related to Carl Beebee are you? he's a mate of mine.


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