Tuesday 30 November 2021

Chicken Cull

 This posts contains pictures of dead animals, if you don't like that then please don't click to read more of the article. 

Despite the bad weather this weekend just gone we needed to prepare the chickens for the avian flu lockdown. This meant lots of shuffling of chickens to different pens and the processing of 6 cockerels.

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Oak Floor For Mum

This weekend just gone I fitted an oak floor with my brother. It's for mum and dad in their dining room, they've lived in this house for nearly 40 years now! 

I prefer to glue these floors down rather let them float as it feels more solid. Mum wanted to bead round the skirting but when she left the room we took it off anyway - a much better job! It'll still need beading round the fireplace. 

Sunday 7 November 2021

Creative writing

Not sure what has happened but it seems like time has been sped up at the moment! 

I think I might be neglecting the blog a bit at the moment - I will try harder!

I like to find some time to write nearly every day and I'm still managing to do that, but I've been doing more magazine articles (which is great as it does mean some income) and I've been doing a creative writing course via zoom once a week, rather than blogging I guess. 

This course is for fiction writing, although I'm sure it will improve my non fiction writing as well, and I've been really enjoying writing some, to the point where it's all I want to be doing at the moment! I've written a few short stories and had some really good feedback so far, really makes me want to carry on and try my hand at some longer stories.

It's nice to branch my hobby of writing into something fun and creative like this. I've always wanted to do it but somehow never got very far with anything. 

I'm tempted to post some of my creative fiction writing on here or find somewhere to post it where people might read it. Of course I get imposter syndrome and worry about it though, and my favourite genres might not tie to my lifestyle here. 

 Anyone else like to write? Probably a silly question to put to bloggers as I'm sure everyone enjoys it that does it for a hobby! 

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