Friday 28 April 2023

Metal & Wood Compost Or Feed Scoops

 My wife often accuse me of getting a little too focused on a subject. Lately it's been scoops. 

I've made a lot of scoops lately, with over ten different types (and some with multiple designs). Some have been for my own enjoyment to learn about making them, and some have bene about making a new product. 

Wednesday 26 April 2023

Patio Renovation - Part 1 - Clean Up

So the patio has become a bit of a dumping ground the last year. Every grout joint has started to grow pretty much every weed you can think of, the children have dumped every toy and made "potions" that have leaked clay and mud all over the floor. 

 So I decided it was time for a big clean up, wash out the grout and try to get it ready for all the outside eating we want to do this summer. Watch the video above to see the first part of this. 

What would you repoint it with? 

How much time do you spend doing maintenance on things like this?

Sunday 23 April 2023

Rainy Sunday

I was thinking this morning that we get lots of lovely comments from people about what our children get up to.

The vast majority cost us so little, just time (something I know not everyone has). 

Today was the perfect example of that...

Tuesday 18 April 2023

Wendy House Repair

 Dad phoned me up the other day and said he had taken the roof off the old Wendy house. 

Dad will never admit when he wants or need a hand, and I could tell he needed one -

"So I've taken the roof off that old Wendy House..."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, don't think I'm going to be able to get it back on..." 

Long pause,

"Want me to come over?" 

"I mean only because you're coming over anyway..."

Dad, Dave (my brother) and me built this Wendy house for my sister about 25 years ago. I have some pretty clear memories of building it. 

Monday 17 April 2023

Wooden Scoops

 I was at an antique shop the other day and they had a scoop made completely from wood. But not a single piece like my previous post, made from multiple pieces and nailed together. 

I liked the idea of it and could see how it would be a useful thing to have in the garden shed or for chicken feed. 

Friday 14 April 2023

Make A Grain Scoop From A Log

 My mate had some Lime trees that needed some large branches thinning out. When they were doing the work he said I could have what I wanted. 

To start with I took a log about 16inches long. It's been sat outside my workshop for about 2 months now, and I know I wanted to make some scoops from it! 

Yesterday was the day to make a start. I grabbed my maul and split it down. 

Tuesday 11 April 2023

How To Make A Simple Grain Mill

 The other day I saw a great little grain mill on an online museum that are trying to preserve the history of milling. 

It was a mill that was carried by Swedish soldiers in the 30 year war (1600's) and later. The soldiers would have been issued one to mill there own grain as they would have been given grain over flour (guessing as it keeps so much better). It was made from birch, a wood abundant in Sweden and a hard, strong wood as that.

I decided it looked like fun to make and have a play with. So I did (it's also going to be a magazine article very soon in Woodturning magazine)!

It's a really fun project and one that makes a really tactile item that's fun to use. I wouldn't say it's the most efficient way of milling grain, but great to show the effort involved. 

Since having made it I left it on the side with some grain in, its taken ages to mill the grain down but each time one of us in this family has walked past we've all had a go. 

I should say it's more likely it was used to crack grain to make it easier to digest, but still you can imagine it would have been a very useful item. 

Have you milled much grain by hand?

Ever made anything to crack grains or make flour?

Sunday 9 April 2023

Rats In The Polytunnel! ARGH!

 I've been noticing some holes in the soil in the polytunnel and I knew what they'd be. It was only when I put a game camera in there that I fully understood how bad it was though! 

So I've taken steps to do all I can to try and get rid of them. 

You can see in the video above so footage of the rats and what I'm doing about it. But I still need to try and "remove" the ones that are there. 

What's your best method of getting rid of rats? 

I really don't want any down there in the growing season. I need to get on top of this problem now! 

Thursday 6 April 2023

Seven Year Old Maker

 The boy came into the shop the other day and said he had an idea. He needed some ply wood and for me to cut out what he drew. 

He then spent some time drawwing out lots of different parts. I took them to the bandsaw and cut them out for him. The next morning he came into our room and the first thing he said was he'd been thinking about it and needed to cut some of the bits again as they were too small. 

Tuesday 4 April 2023

Guess the seeds!

 I love this time of year, seeds in the ground, promise of harvests to come! 

I thought I'd give these another go this year. 

I tried a few years ago but the mice ate them before they germinated. 

Anyone guess what they are? 

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