Saturday 1 March 2014

Hidden Eggs

Some of my chickens have learnt that if they get out I'm not too bothered about putting them back during the day so long as they go back in at night.
But this one has been taking the mickey!
A dozen eggs hidden away right by the side of the house. I walk past it at least four times a day, but they were so well hidden I never saw them!
In the spring I wouldn't mind so much if she came back with a group of chicks but having these eggs left out in the rain is a bit of a waste. Never mind, I'll have to keep a better eye on them from now on! she might be less inclined to go walk about now anyway as I've moved their pen away from all the mud (this did involve me falling straight into the mud whilst I was trying to do it).
Anyone else stumble upon batches of eggs hidden in plane view?


  1. Yes Kev. Same as you, at the side of the house amongst the rambling rose and clematis roots.
    Last year we also found some in the tree house.
    I bet they will be okay to eat still. Give 'em a float and see!

    1. No tree houses here yet as my girls aren't big enough! but I'm sure I'll find the eggs all over the place in the summer

  2. The first bunch of hens I had out here were 100% free range. They lived in a big stone barn, and had total freedom. I would often find large clutches of eggs, and also suddenly find a mother hen with a dozen chicks in tow. It was all rather haphazard, and eventually Mr Fox made me make other arrangements.

    1. I've been loosing a few to foxes or something lately and I rellly need to fence them in better. The trouble is the fencing I bought from Countrywide is falling apart in under a year so the hens can walk through it!

  3. Was she actually brooding them, or just laying in a chosen ( by her) spot?

  4. The back way in to my old house was through the laundry room, then the pantry and into the kitchen. During the day, the doors were usually open, Under a bottom shelf of the pantry I kept a pile of old rags for cleaning purposes. In amongst these I found a clutch of eggs. I left them and their mother undisturbed and they all hatched. After that, she was forever coming into the house looking for a comfortable place to lay her eggs, She laid an egg in the washing pile, behind the washing machine, once even next to the bread bin on the kitchen work surface. Imagine, having a good layer that delivers her eggs!

    1. Sounds like a good chicken. Although I'd imagine as well as eggs you'd probably get a few other "surprises" left about the kitchen. I must admit to hating any animal up on the worktop, when I go to places and see a cat all over everything it makes my stomach turn!
      For some reason the hens love it up by the house even though they've never been fed up here. They seem to be drawn to it!

  5. My current batch of hens all refuse to use the next boxes. I find eggs everywhere!

  6. I totally relate to this. Our chook was able to hide 17 eggs before we.we're able to find them. Needed to crawl on our stomaches to get them under a hedge.


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