Monday 6 April 2015

Beginning To Fence The "Second" Garden

As I dragged by post thumper out of the shed I cursed myself for creating more fencing with my new garden. I thought I'd pretty much finished it! Still it's only a small patch so it shouldn't take too long with rabbit wire. 
This home made tool brings a little bit of dread into my arms when I get it out!
The patch is roughly 30m by 5m plus a 1m path down the one side. I still haven't made a planting plan yet so I'm not sure what's going where or how many plots I'm dividing it up into, I do like to make a plan and stick to it (my plan for my main veg garden can be found here) but by introducing trees that could potentially tie up a plot for two years, it makes planning a little harder. 
No need for a line with this fencing - just follow the ploughing

Posts ready to be knocked in

An hour or so work and I didn't knock any teeth out so it was a good afternoon!
 I'm definitely going to have a bean plot, a squash plot and maybe another one for roots plus I'm considering a patch for outside tomatoes and one for a small scale grain patch - I guess I'm going to have quite a few plots! 
I keep referring to this as my "second garden" but I think it could do with a name - any suggestions? in fact I could do with a name for my main vegetable garden as well really!


  1. with all this rabbit roofing erhaps it should be Mr McGregors garden :-)

  2. Long garden, not very imaginative, but it does describe it well.

    1. It's not as long as the other one though!

  3. What about: Long Furrows? I would sow some mustard to get rid of any wireworm in the old pasture. They don't like it.

  4. We don't know what to call our veg plots either!

    1. I haven't bothered but now I've got two it's good to differentiate.

  5. I'm thinking shotgun range. Rabbit problem solved :)

    1. I need to shoot some more but it's having the time!

  6. I'd still be hard pressed to drive a fence post around here. Even though most of the snow cover is down the ground is still as solid as granite.

    1. These knocked in easy. well as easy as knocking in posts ever is!

  7. looks good

    John seymour had the same problem in his 'fat of the land' book he says he wished he had been a bit more imaginative with plot names rather than cow field and goose you're in good company

    With us its the outbuildings we gave them proper names so everyone would know which one we were talking about when they were sent to do/fetch something . Shame we didn't do the same with the 3 barns!!

    1. I remember that bit! Dad's farm is the same - three corner field, badger field, etc! Mine's split into so many plots I just wanted them to have names really so I knew which I was going to!

  8. It's looking good. I reckon you should call it the 'Long Kitchen Garden'.

    Last time Lovely Hubby got out and used his post knocker he smacked himself on the forehead on the upward sweep and nearly knocked himself out, he carried on though until the blood started dripping in his eyes and all over my nice new fence posts ;-)

    1. I did catch myself on the head with it on a job the other day, it's so easy done! So far Long Furrows has my vote I'm afraid!

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