Sunday 1 May 2016

A Quick Tour Of The Garden

Another shaky video tour around my garden on the 1st of May.
Not huge amounts going on but things will really speed up this month as the weather warms up. I've also got loads growing on the windowsills inside but they're almost worthy of another post by themselves!
How's your garden looking at the moment?


  1. i started way too many seeds and now need to find homes for them. i've planted everything and it's been raining and all of my plants look great!

    1. I always plant so many seeds! I think I'm goign to struggle when they all start growing as I've reduced my growing area this year to make sure I have enough time to build the extension!

  2. Looking good, you put me to shame as I still have weeds growing in the garden. Your kiwi looked good, mine over wintered outside and put out growth too early and got frozen but seem to be coming back. I have been putting most of my time into getting the hops yard in order so that I don't end up with a jungle like last year. Looks like you will be busy in the near future setting out plants.

    1. There's still weeds, but just the first 16 beds look good - to be fair mum has been over and helping out with those. I think using plastic and other materials like cardboard as a mulch helps lots, i was terrible at leaving land bare and then everything grows.

  3. Your video-ing has vastly improved! No sign of any shake at all now, are you using some sort of new equipment? Anyway, it all looks good, plenty to keep you busy in the coming months.

    1. I used a different camera so maybe I'll keep using this one. I might do a walk around the sheep and the rest of the homestead.

  4. Thanks for sharing. Nice to see your garden and as a bonus listen to the church bells. Is the church fairly close by?

    1. Thanks. The church is just about 250 yards from our house, it was Sunday service, they also practice a few nights a week, I love hearing them as well, like going back in time really.

  5. You seem to have a lot of very exotic fruits and vegs; I tend to stick to the more mundane. All my summer stuff is now planted out in the garden (aubergines, peppers, chillies, toms, courgettes, and a few cabbagey things). I shall now sow all my winter green vegs, and hope to get them in the ground in early July.


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