Saturday 16 May 2020

Ducklings Are Cuter Than Chicks!

It's official - Ducklings are cuter than chicks! 

We've all been super excited for this hatching! I must have been a young child the last time we had ducklings!
I exchanged these eggs for a nest box I had built. A great smallholder exchange and with a lady I have become friends with on Twitter who calls herself "Scottish Homestead" so a great link in that way as well!

When I candled the eggs a few weeks ago 11 of the 12 eggs were still viable, which was great news! And as I type this we've so far had 6 eggs hatch out of the 11, but hopefully more to come!

I'm completely amazed at how much more robust the ducklings seem compared to chicks. Straight away these guys tried to jump out of the box which I put them in to move them to the brooder. They're far more active and straight away eating and drinking.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how these guys grow and act. I've kept hundreds of chickens over the years but no ducks since I was a child. I've heard them called feathered pigs they make so much mess!

Anyone else keep many ducks? What advice would you give?


  1. I have never kept them but have wanted to for many years. Looking forward to your adventure!

  2. My grandmother always kept a few ducks. She was a great cook, owned a restaurant, and somehow I never associated her garden ducks with those wonderful Sunday dinners of - roast duck! Ducks are very amusing to have around. And yes, they do poooooooo

    1. Haha! that made me chuckle. My eldest daughter was already trying to decide if we would have chicken or duck for Christmas dinner this year!

  3. they poop like crazy but they are the best watchdogs! they will let you know if anything or anybody is on your property. they like to snuggle too.i had two ducks when i was little...seymore and charlie and i loved them to pieces.

    1. The patch I've got marked out for them is huge so they should have a good time of it when they get big enough! Just need to make somewhere for them to sleep!

  4. Lots of poop, lots of flinging water everywhere, lots of digging in the mud looking for treats. I think they're more vulnerable to predators than chickens. But yes they are WAY cuter too even as adults. The quacking and tail shaking is just too much.
    Some people use flocks of runner ducks to train their sheepdog pups. Find a YouTube video of ducks being hearded through tiny gates, it's the funniest thing ever.

    1. I don't know what feed is available to you but here in the US we have to buy niacin and sprinkle it over the feed for baby ducks. They are prone to leg problems if the feed is deficient in it so it's very important we supplement it.

  5. I have indian runners. Their eggs taste lovely and they eat loads of slugs. Once per week I empty their pond onto the veggies as plant food


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