Wednesday 19 January 2022

Onions Sown

It feels good to start sowing a few seeds and think about the harvest to come in a few months. 

 My middlest child and I went out in the drizzle on Sunday and planted a few trays of onion and shallot seeds, to go on some heat in my bedroom. While we were at it we also sowed some very old chilli seeds - no idea if they'll come up but I figure we've got the heat on, so nothing to loose really! 

In the next few weeks we might start to think about sowing some peas and beans, but rats and mice have been a real problem this year so I'm in no rush to start fighting them already! 

What has everyone else been sowing?


  1. We had a rhyme about sowing beans - one for the rat, one for the crow, one to rot and one to grow. 1 in 4 in other words. We put in some calendula and nasturtiums but then we are in Piraeus.

    1. Here at the moment it would be four for the rat...

  2. I have just sown some onions, shallots still to go in. Last year I sowed rather late and they vcame up 3 to 6 plants in each pot, then I forgot them, put them in rather late, no chance of seperating them. So they were planted in clusters. Result was an excellent crop, with minimum work. Many large onions and a few more than usual smaller. I shall repeat this year. I will be more carefull with the shallots. Seeds were from Real Seeds.

    1. Yeah, doing them in bunches to grow works quite well. Shallots take well to being sown later to gove different timed crops. I did a course years ago and he was still sowing them late April.

  3. Kev, we are still probably a month out from starting anything as we can still have temperature drops to the 0 C until late February, so I will probably start then.

    1. Do you manage to get much done on the grow in preparation? Or the soil still frozen?


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