Friday 14 July 2023

2nd Diabetes Appointment For Daughter

 So this week, along with everything else we had our second appointment for my daughter's type one diabetes. These are just running check up, where they keep an eye on progress and answer any questions we might have. 

We also got told that the sensor she uses is changing this week (after we were initially told we had to stay on the Libre 2 due to funding a few months ago). So she is now on a libre 3 which means that when she goes low in the night the alarm will wake me up as well on my phone, so a bit of piece of mind there. 

Never sure how long these appointments last the other two children were with friends for my wife to pick up after work (they love going there and some friends we really treat like family). When we came out of hospital it was gone 6 and we decided we should maybe grab some food in Hereford.

My daughters eyes lit up and she suggested Beefy Boys - a really good burger restaurant. When we got there we were told there was a wait for a table, I suggested we went elsewhere, but one look at my daughter told me we were going to wait!!

It was worth it. The food is always brilliant from there and great service from the staff, even with our dietary requirements. We're getting so much better at guessing carbs in a meal, and my daughter just injected herself right there in the restaurant, which makes me happy that she can take it in her stride like that. 

A lovely Daddy - Daughter date, unplanned but all the more special for it. She really is great company as well. 

It's nice when we can pull some positives out of the crap that is diabetes. 


  1. It is great that your daughter is adjusting to it in due course.

    I don't get many Daddy-daughter dates anymore but I cherish the ones I do get.

    1. Yeh, something I should do more really. I'm with all three children lots though, so I'm lucky like that. Last weekend was great where me and the girls camped with scouts.

  2. your daughter is lovely and as healthy looking as can be. what a wonderful treat after the doctor visit!

    1. Thank you, yeah it was a lovely treat to share!

  3. From the looks of that spread, no wonder she insisted on waiting! I'm guessing she loved the special time with you (that smile tells it all :)
    Sounds like the appointment went well. Have to admire her spunk.

    1. The food there is always so good. It was packed on a Wednesday night, which says it all really!

  4. Wonderful news that things are going well. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

    That is a very respectable burger.

    1. They're such great burgers there. There's two really good burger shops in Hereford and it's hard to pick a favourite between them.
      As for sharing the journey I do wonder sometimes about over sharing, but it helps increase awareness and many people follow the blog for over a decade now and I feel they're like friends I need to tell. Thanks for all your support over the years, comments like yours encourage me to keep at it!

  5. Thank you for a nice report to start off my week. Happy that Father Daughter time was awesome and things are resolving well.

    1. Ah thanks Michael, it was a lovely bit of a very busy week last week. I'm really looking forward to them breaking up from school so we can slow down a bit for a few weeks.


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