Thursday 8 August 2024

Camp Out In the Field

 A few Sundays ago I suggested we should have a camp out in the field. Unplanned, it made it quite fun for the children. 

The kids set up both tents and the fire, I topped a small patch first. 

The only tent we own is one from before we had children (maybe before we got married to be honest. I didn't fancy buying some just to use a couple of nights a year, so instead we borrowed the ones from scouts. 

I knew there was an advantage to being a scout leader after all these years! But I do believe there are some things that are better borrowed than owned and this is one (or two) of them. We also borrowed a firepit as ours was stolen from the scout hut a few years ago. 

Camping a few hundred yards from home makes everything easy. I told the children that they'd need to set up and break camp if we did it, this is something they've become well practiced in due to scouts anyway, so no fuss there. 

We had a fire, snacks for bead time around it, American S'mores. obviously with a type one diabetic in the family high sugar like this is always a worry, but her levels were amazing all night (she was saying how it could be a good thing - ha! We think it was just a lucky night). 

I did buy four new air mats, only one of our old ones still held air. Turns out when we woke up that it didn't! and my wife had slept on the floor the whole night through. 

The kids loved it and it made for a fun simple night doing something different, with no costs involved. 

Although the next day I was stood at my pillar drill all day wondering why my back was aching! 

Who else loves a simple camp out?


  1. Back in 1979 we borrowed a tent from our Scout group for our honeymoon! Doubt many people would do that now.
    It looks like everyone had fun, hope your back didn't suffer for too long - I'd never get up from the ground nowadays!

  2. We had a trailer tent whilst our girls were younger, brilliant memories, would not camp again.

  3. We occasionally went camping at a pond on another farm down the road so we could spend the evening fishing and eating before spending the night in tents.

  4. what fun kev! we live right in the city but we have a very private back garden with lots of trees. when my kids were young we camped out many times. we had all the fun of camping but had a great bathroom a few feet away! we cooked out in our fire pit and slept in sleeping bags in a tent. i miss those times!

  5. What a great time Kev!

    When I was a pre-teen, I would spend most Summer nights sleeping on a cot out in the backyard. Those nights looking up at the stars or reading with a flashlight remain some of my best memories growing up.


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