Sunday 23 December 2012

A Year Ago Today...

Was our first full day here.
It was the day after moving house, Claire was 8 months pregant, our life was in hundreds of boxes all over the house and we were both feeling shattered.
It's been a great first year here.
We've had our first child
Planted a garden
Moved some sheds
Put up some fencing
Planted some fruit trees
Cut down a couple of trees
Planted some more trees
Sold a house
Made a bigger drive
Got some chickens
Made some hay
Had a great place to work for most of the year
Got some more chickens
Created things at work I'm really proud of
Planned for next year

And most importantly spent lots of time together as a family
I've no idea what the next 12 months will bring but if they're half as good as this year then I'll be happy!
Have a good Christmas everyone!


  1. Wow what a year , we have had a stressful year due to the big move ....if only the timing of selling and buying could have been better 6 weeks in a premier inn with 2 kids was not fun!

    I imagine our coming year will be much like your last one. I wish you the best for the coming year and hope you have a wonderful Christmas

    1. A night in a Premier inn is too much for me so that must have been horrible! I look forward to seeing how your coming year turns out though!

  2. Wow, what a year, it's brilliant to be able to look back and see just how much has been achieved isn't it, well done.

    Have a really Happy Christmas (and then you can continue planning the next year).

    Sue xx

    1. Cheers Sue. Thats just half of it! A blog is a greta way of keeping a record of what I've been up to!

  3. Well done, Kev. You and your little family have enjoyed a wonderful (and hard working) first year at your new place. Here's wishing you all many more to come.

    1. Thanks Kris, It's been a great year - hopefully next year will be filled with just as much hard work and fun!

  4. Amazing, Kev! I'm very inspired by all that you do - you have a lovely family and a beautiful homestead :)


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