Sunday 8 September 2013

Chimney Sweeping Mistake

I was sweeping the chimney out today prior to lining it next week when I made the ultimate chimney sweeping mistake.
Cn you spot what I've done?
 The brush became detatcted from the rods. I just thought "bugger" as the rods came back down the chinmey with no resistance or soot.
Spot the brush taking in the view!
I've got to get up on the roof to line the chimney next week anyhow so it's not the end of the world, but it's still annoying!


  1. Lol thanks for the reminder kev.. I need to do my chimney

  2. I use a stainless steel flexible liner that is insulated and I have yet to have any build up in it. Just a little around the upper lip where there is no insulation. I keep it burning all winter and once the cold sets in, I don't strike a match until March so it stays hot most of the time.

  3. It could be worse.
    Jane x

  4. So easily done :-(

    At least you are going up there anyway soon, so most definitely not the end of the world, it would have been so much more annoying if you weren't !!

  5. How annoying! Mind you, it could have cost you €120 for two chimneys - which, coincidentally, are being swept as we speak! In France, the insurance company can refuse to pay up unless you have a pukka invoice from a sweep to prove you have done all you can. So, every year, it's an expense that we could do without as we also own a good set of brushes!

  6. I thought you were supposed to send a small consumptive little boy with rickets up a chimney?

  7. Uh Oh! Thank goodness the brush is retrievable :)

  8. Uh Oh! Thank goodness the brush is retrievable :)

  9. I have an insulated lined, stainless 10" chimney & the chimney fire cleaned it out for me. Scary seeing the top get red hot. Probably not the best way to clean it.

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