Sunday 27 October 2013

Clamping roots

I've never clamped roots before so this is a first for me.
I thought I'd have a go on a small scale this year as next year I want to try to store enough to last us through the winter if possible (big plans brewing but more on that later).

 Just carrots and beetroot to left to try this on (Parsnips do better in the ground and are tastier if they've had a frost on them). So I pulled all I had and sorted them into two piles - perfect veg and veg that needs using sooner rather than later - as I've read that if there is any damage then it won't store well.

I layered them in plastic containers with holes in the bottom (a large plant pot in the case of the beets), on a bed of moist sand (builders sand because I'm a builder) with a layer of sand between each layer of veg. I'll store these in the garden shed now until we need them and hopefully they won't go bad!
Any tips on storing roots through the winter?


  1. I did once use sawdust - worst thing possible because the sawdust drew all the moisture out of the veg and all I had left were dried up skins!

    I'll be watching with interest.

    1. Same if you leave the leaves on as they take the moisture out of the root, when I started growing veg I wondered why after a few days my carrot would go floppy (this is meant to sound like it does!)

  2. I too will be watching with interest as we use lots of carrots and root veggies

    1. Yeah I'm interested to see how it goes. I'll probably have a look at christmas and see whats happening in there

  3. Just don't let them freeze. I don't know if you get freezing weather in your area or not.

    1. Yeah we have a lot of freezing weather and we also live in a cold dip as well which doesn't help. cheers gorges I'll wrap some straw round the pots as an insulator

  4. My Dad swore by this method but he used large mounds of sand.
    Thought you might be interested in this type of root storage which is typical in Newfoundland.

    Can just see you with one of these!
    Jane x

    1. What the hel did you show me that for! Right I'm off to dig a rather large hole now because that looks great!

  5. I have never done that but it should work. I think that here they used to bury them in barrels which helped keep mice out of them.

    1. They used to do it in big piles over here laired with straw and soil but I think my grounds too wet to try that outside

  6. ohhh how exciting. My Gran used to dig a pit then line it with sand and then filled it like you said. I cant wait to see your results.

    1. My ground is pretty water logged through the winter so I think most of it would rot rather than store if I did it that way!

  7. All our produce went into canning jars or was dehydrated. Good idea of yours though, and hope everything keeps well. For me, I prefer not to have to go getting veg out of the garden when it is freezing cold!

    1. I like to go outside and come back into the warm house. Makes it feel like a proper winter then!


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