Saturday 15 February 2014

Helping Daddy

I'll make the most of it while it lasts - this little girl loves helping her daddy!


  1. Kev, yours is the first blog I've read this morning and those photos brought a smile to my heart. So wise to keep that "while it lasts" in mind; they grow up so fast!

    1. What a nice comment! At the moment the weeks seem to fly by so I know they won't stay young forever!

  2. Gosh she is darling! I used to help my dad with everything. Even cement mixing. I think it helps me now because I know if a builder is trying to bodge or be a cowboy. Plus I am quite happy to try and fix something if I really know what I am doing and I know when to get an expert.

    Love the hat.

    I can imagine, the carrying of the bucket, 'I can do it Daddy!' When you try and take it. So sweet.

    ps lovely leeks

    1. She won't get much choice in the summer if she helps or not! I'm going to make sure she helps me grow as much as we can!
      The leeks we a bit thin to be honest - I think I started them off a bit late.

  3. And doing a good job as well! Alex likes to help his Daddy, so long as it is banging nails into pieces of wood!

    None of my leeks have come up, I guess it is just too hot here.

    1. Ev likes it so long as it involves water. She then later crys that her hands are too cold!

  4. They love to help at that age and it is good for them. Of course they eventually become teenagers, oh well, enjoy it while it lasts we all grow up.

    1. She does love it. I only have to mention outside and she comes running!

  5. That' how I started. I see a raise in pocket money in the near future!
    Jane x

    1. She doesn't kknow about pocket money yet (and I'd like to keep it that way for a little while!)

  6. Green grass, and leeks? what is that? I heard that in some places in the world they actually have that. I can't remember what that is like. Greetings from my own corner Siberia ;-)

    1. See also the mud thats everywhere! I nearly get stuck everytime I go out there!

  7. My daughters helped when they were little and then less as they grew older. Then they had daughters.... yeh! a new generation of little helpers !
    I have a lovely photo of my eldest granddaughter when she was five ( fourteen years ago) holding a couple of leeks she had just washed.

    1. I'm trying to make sure there's plenty of photos of Ev just doing toddler things so I can remember these moments in years to come. Hopefully be a long while until I'm a grandfather!

  8. Gorgeous photos, and a lovely little helper, many hands make light work .... even if it does take you a little bit longer.

    1. She does make it take a little longer but it's so much more fun when she's helping! If I set her to a little task he'll do it for ages.

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