Monday 7 July 2014


As a rule I don't get sick very often, when I worked full time I'd go years between sick days. Having children does change that a bit as they pick up everything going. So when I was rubbing my two year old's back at one in the morning while she was being sick, I wished I could be sick instead of her. 
Yesterday I got that wish, as I didn't leave bed all day except to go to the toilet. I'm still not right this morning and I think my wife is coming down with it as well (although she insisted on going to work).
I just love this picture! My wife got them done at the weekend
My dad was a star yesterday though, as Claire was off all afternoon and evening (with something she couldn't cancel) so he came to look after the children. 
I think he decided that there are many things easier than looking after two young children on his own! He assured me he wasn't going to do any nappy changes (diapers to the Americans) while he was here but he rose to the challenge and did any that came his way! Along with making their dinner and getting them ready for bed. I think he enjoyed it really!
I'll do some normal posts when I'm feeling a little better. Hope everyone else is doing good.


  1. Hope you're soon feeling better. Children are very generous in sharing their germs aren't they :-(

  2. I hope you are soon well and writing great posts, Kev. Make yourself some onion soup. There is nothing like the Allium family for fighting off viruses.

  3. summer is not a good time to be sick. hope you are better soon.

  4. A glass of brandy usually picks me up.

  5. I hope all of you are better soon.

  6. You have my sympathy. Being sick in the summertime is such a waste of good weather. Being wrapped in a blanket next to a woodstove sipping a hot tonic just doesn't work in the summer.

  7. Take care - enjoy the bed rest.

  8. Feel better! Yes those little ones are germ factories ROFL...

  9. Hope you get feel better soon


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