Monday 17 November 2014

Repairing The Dishwasher

Sorry to have another post so close together about fixing appliances, but during last week the dishwasher kept flashing with an error message. There's not many days I could live without our dishwasher - there's just nowhere to stack anything, as can be seen in my kitchen video.
 I did a quick search on the internet and found out the most likely cause of the problem. Emptied the fridge, lifted it down and then tipped the dishwasher over. I removed the underside cover and then traced back the pipe for the waste water to the pump.
I opened the pump up and found the little bit of plastic that had been causing the trouble!
  It must have slipped through the filters somehow. I put the machine back together and it all worked fine. I was pleased we didn't have to fork out for a new dishwasher and this one will last a little bit longer yet.
The Internet is such a a great resource if you're trying to do things yourself. Years ago you would have had to have phoned someone (if you knew anyone who knew about these type of things) or just open it up and hope that you could find the problem. At least I knew what I was looking for and had some instructions on how to fix it. I bet many would have called someone out to fix it or, due to the age of the machine, replaced it.
What was the last appliance you repaired? And did the internet help you fix it?


  1. I never seem to have much luck fixing appliances but that is usually because I have very good luck with them working for a long time and by the time they do break they are so old finding parts is next to impossible. My dryer crapped out this Summer and I have had it for almost 30 years believe it or not.

    What I have the most problems with are plumbing fixtures. I can never seem to find the right parts to make em work properly after they break or wear out.

  2. My Rayburn has sprung a leak in the back boiler, I have looked on line it is repairable but you have to strip the whole rayburn down to the base plinth take it outside and because of the age of it it proberbly has asbestos for insulation, and the flue chamber may well need replacing as well, its a two man job and can take several days to dismantle as they are not designed to come apart, then it all has to be rebuilt in situ and fingers crossed it will work ok so having looked at the options we have decided to trade it in against a new one. Expensive purchase but should out last us and the new one comes with a 15 year boiler garuntee

    1. No - I think that's the right decision. Even with the dishwasher, if I had to spend any money on it it wouldn't have been worth it as the machine is too old to fix really, things just aren't designed to last that long any more. Also with something like a Rayburn the new one will be more efficient so it will save you money in that way as well.

  3. There's a firm over here called espares and they're pretty good at having most common items and videos on how to fix it.
    30 years is pretty good for any appliance - I don't think it owes you anything! Trouble is you'll be lucky to get one that will last over 6 now!

    1. This was a reply to PP - not sure why it's now here!

  4. Why do things always break down and cattle break fences at weekends. Number one son is a wizard with fixing tractors and cars. Last week he changed the leaf spring under the pick up. It cost us 150 Euros for a new part and nothing for labour.

    1. I'm lucky when it comes to car as my cousin fixes them for me (he works for my dad). As for the weekends and animals getting out I remember more than one occasion having to go and get animals from other fields very early in the morning!

  5. New washer/dryer this week, Samsung with a 5-year gaurante, 10 years on the motor. The old Hotpoint had 8 tears service and 5 moves, and it started playing up.
    My experience of these things, once they start giving trouble, just get shot, it can cost more to keep fixing them than investing in a new one.

    1. I think you've done the right thing in getting a good make, that's key. I would change this one but it would be nice to do it when we have a new kitchen so hopefully it'll last that long!

  6. Well done, you've saved yourself a fortune!!

    If my dishwasher needs fixing, I just make him a nice cup of tea ... then he's straight back into action elbow deep in pots and washing up liquid ;-)

    1. It's just a job I hate, there's so many better things I could be doing! (like blogging...)

  7. Error message from the dishwasher? the only error message in dish washing in this house is when the guy with the towel (me) finds a missed spot and sends it back to the " dishwasher" standing next to me at the sink for a re-doo. LOL. Took our machine out about 3 years ago as we never used it anyhow...

    1. I love ours and if I couldn't have fixed it I would have gone straight out and brought another one! Terrible really!

  8. Well done, Kev! My hubby does the same thing and can repair almost anything that breaks in our house... car repairs, appliance repairs, etc... There's you tube videos for nearly everything, LOL. Saves heaps of money.

    1. I try my best and youtube is a great help. The fact that you can have the video on your phone next to what you're doing is such a help!

  9. I dont think they make them like they used to. I am not joking. we had a washing machine for near on 15 years my parents had it for 5 before that and then something went wrong. we tried to fix it and then had to get a new one. the new one is a dud it takes 3 hours for one wash. the 30 minute wash doesnt wash. awful plain awful.

    1. No, nothing seems to last as long as it used to. But then there's no money in making things to last, they have to think about repeat custom! Our dishwasher only ever cleans on the "intensive" setting the "eco" setting was put on there as a joke I think!

  10. on a completely different note about food storage. do you have powdered egg or peanut butter? I am thinking of spending £10 and trying peanut butter in powder... maybe someone else who reads your blog has also used it?

    1. I've never come across powdered peanut butter before, but I'm intrigued. Where are you getting it from? i thought that peanut butter was a good food to store anyway as it's so high ion oils and fats that it will pretty much keep forever anyway. let me kwon how you get on if you buy it and where you're getting it from.
      Dawn at "doing it for ourselves" dehydrates eggs and uses the powder and I know that Leigh from "5 acres & a dream" does the same. they'd make a great long term food storage item and I think in baking you'd be hard pushed to tell the difference.

    2. the oil in peanut butter makes it go rancid. I will order it at the weekend its called something like PB2?

  11. Well done! We replaced the element in our oven. I ordered the part online - it cost around £20 and we watched a couple of Youtube videos. Saved a fortune on calling out a repair man. The Dyson also broke down. It was still under 5 year parts and labour warranty so they sent us a new motor and talked us through how to replace it over the phone - extremely helpful.

    1. I have a friend who worked for Dyson and he often sings there praises on how good they are, again I think it's down to buying a good make to start with. Sometimes the better makes are easier to fix as well and the parts are more readily available. £20 certainly beats having to fork out on a new oven and the hassle of changing it!

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  13. I wish you lived closer. You could advise me on repairing my dishwasher. My ferrets crawled under it and chewed up the rubber gasket on the water pipe. I can't reach it with my hand to replace it. I hate to buy a whole new dishwasher over a two dollar gasket. But I'm not mad at the ferrets, they can do no wrong!

    1. Can you not strip it down a little bit to get your hands in a bit better? I bet there's a video on YouTube to show you how to do it! Of all the things to cause a break down though!

  14. Yes indeedy! I fixed my washing machine with the aid of YouTube, a similar problem to your dishwasher, in fact your pump looks a lot like mine!

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