Saturday 29 November 2014

Sturmer Pippin

I guess this would be the marine of apple trees. Still clung to the tree in late November, still hard as anything.
This is great apple that we're eating at the moment. It's a good size, really sharp tasting and rock solid - no good if you have false teeth! A little like a granny smith I guess. 
I've read that this was a really important apple in Victorian times as it keeps so well. I've got one of these trees planted at my parents house (about 8 years old) and here as a cordon (two year old), but even with two young trees we've only enough to last a few more weeks - no chance to test out their keep abilities this year then! 


  1. you have a great selection of apple trees Kev, many I have never heard of, are you planning on adding a couple of hives to help with pollination

    1. I'd like to but it's something I keep putting off. I'd like to build some top bar hives, not too bothered about the honey really as I don't like the stuff!

  2. It's so hard to find many of the older varieties around here anymore. The original homesteaders had to plant so many in order to be able to title the ground originally but many of them finally died out a few decades ago.

    I was amazed at how well some of my Apples did when I began planting in different varieties though. It was like the different pollen available was producing entirely different Apples for old trees.

    1. I didn't know that about having to plant apple trees to title the land, sounds like a good idea to me! I think it's really worth it to keep propagating these old varieties, ones that keep well are especially important for our lifestyles!
      The pollen shouldn't affect the apple type you get from that tree, only the seeds in the apple and what tree would grow from it.

  3. We didn't have one single solitary apple this year..mind you, we didn't wassail,so I guess it serves us right.
    Jane x

    1. I'll have to get the girls down in the orchard with some pots and pans for a nice loud wassail next year!


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