Sunday 1 November 2015

Busy Half Term & Trying To Get Heating Ready

Autumn has come all of a sudden this year, the leaves seem to have fallen off the trees in the last couple of days. 
I've had a busy half term, working on a job in the local town and trying to mop up a few projects here (sorry no posts). I've still got lots to do before winter properly sets in. With such a busy summer my I've probably only got just enough firewood in store, but as I've been helping my brother some evenings he's promised me that we won't go short as he has about five years worth stored up - a good job because at the moment that's our only source of heat! 
Last year I posted about our boiler and whether we should repair or replace. Luckily it lasted the mild winter out but now I don't really want to risk turning it on again and even if it works I doubt it could heat the house much if it turned cold. The plan now is to fit a new external oil boiler, but I'm going to fit it about 8m from the house and duct all the pipe work in. 
This means lots of digging &lots of muddy mess! 
The new boiler will go down where the wall steps, that way when the patio is built up you should really see it and any noise or smells are away from the house

So hopefully over the next week we're (dad and me) going to dig up the patio (or what's left of it) and run heating pipes to the new boiler site. We're also moving the oil tank and running in new pipe work to that as well. and an armoured electric cable. I'm also going to install a couple of empty ducts so we can pull in extra cables if we need to. I have plans to install a generator down there and put a change over with in the house at some point so having the ability to install extra wires or pipework will be handy. 
Our heating system is just a regular heating system and I've no plans to change that at the moment, this means that pipework in the house stays the same and it also gives us the ability to install solar in the future should we ever want or afford to. 
So hopefully by the middle of this month(ish) we should have some proper central heating installed and hopefully that will be before it gets too cold! Lots to do before I start working full time again next year! 


  1. It's a busy time, we all have jobs which need to be done now, hard work Kev but it will be worth it.

    1. I hope it'll be worth it in the end! Every job seems to create another at the moment!

  2. I'm assuming you have water nearby for the boiler to heat?

    1. It will be 8m away from the house but with well insulated pipes it's surprising how little heat you loose.

  3. I would just like to say the wall is a thing of beauty!

    1. It looks good doesn't it. The blue bricks on top really set it off. My bricky has done a fine job!

  4. Sounds like a huge job and a big expense. But what has to be done, has to be done!

    1. It is but hopefully when it's done it's done and one less thing to think about.

  5. Sounds like a LOT of work! Hope all goes well for you.

    1. It is but hopefully it won't take too long! Famous last words...

  6. That wall's really nice Kev, your bricky has done a great job.

    1. We're all pleased with it. When the patio is done as well it'll give us a great outside space.

  7. We've used an outdoor wood burning boiler for 14 years so far. Just love it! All the mess and risk is outside, the heat pumps the hot water inside. Our house has a gas boiler in the basement. These two run parallel within the same system. If the wood can't keep up, then the gas kicks on. Wonderful system. Highly recommend it!

    1. Sounds s great system. I'm hoping that the next wood burner I get (when the extension is done) will combine into the hot water system as well, to use as much heat as possible.

  8. Posh wall! Hope you get the heating sorted before we get "The coldest winter since 1963" which has been predicted - I'll believe it when I see it!

    1. Yeah, I have a feeling it might be another mild one but I hate to be under prepared - also we might be having a home birth this time so the house will need to be warm when new baby comes!

  9. Wow, lots of progress! That wall's looking great too, Kev.

    1. Thank you, Slowly getting there, lots more projects to add as well!

  10. Amazingly I've managed to complete all my winter jobs already; except cutting the top 3 feet off a Leylandii hedge, which I've decided to put back till spring.

    The wall looks good; nice brickwork.

    1. You're doing well Cro! I know I started too many projects but by Christmas I'm hoping to be where I need to be! The porch is way behind at the moment as well!

  11. Your family are such handy persons, sogreat that you can do all this boiler work yourselves, you'll save yourselves such a lot of money and you'll know the job is done right. Good forward thinking with the extra ducting pipe as well, look forward to seeing the finished work!

    1. I won;t install the boiler, my cousin will though as I hung some doors for him last summer. Between us we can get most jobs done or have close friends that can.

  12. Nowhere near ready here yet. No idea why. Great wall!

    1. There's always another job that gets in the way isn't there!


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