Monday 1 May 2017

Eating Mud

Not sure how much mud he ingested this afternoon but he still seems happy! 

The red suit has now been through the three children, although it's ready for the bin now, all the seams are falling apart - should just last him out! 

Happy as a pig in...


  1. Good clean or maybe not so clean fun.

  2. I used to eat garden worms when I was small, and I'm still alive.

  3. That reminds me of making mud pies when I was little.

  4. I remember my daughter at about the same age we were on the beach and she was quiet , we realised that she was eating the sand , she was very upset when we stopped her and she pooed sand for days .

  5. I had a hand-me-down outfit that all three of my children wore and my niece. When I sold it at a yard sale, it was still in good shape. So, five children wore it before it was sold for the sixth child. Second hand or hand-me-downs are good!

    I really don't want to think about the things my three children ate!

  6. It's great to see kids getting mucky, it builds up a good immune system too!

  7. My small one prefers a mud/sand cocktail :) I thought it was what all kids did until... a mummy from a playgroup tried to stop my daughter and she just laughed, licked her fingers and said ''its ok if i have a drink of water after''(disgusting little groot!)

  8. Happy as a pig in MUD. :)

  9. Aw, what a sad,cute little face in that first picture! Hand me downs are the way to go. Some of our little guys shirts are ten years old.

  10. Kev, I read every post you blog but moves on without leaving comment to get on with the rest of the day...:( I don't know how you do it but you're definitely one very busy and productive guy!I just love this post and photo of your little boy and laughing about how you casually says about mud ingestion!...although I think he also had a few added greens to his menu from what I could see:) You're giving great childhood to your happy children due to your parenting ways. My girls are big now but how I wish I were more relaxed in letting them enjoy mud when they were definitely bring no harm. I would have a more stress free life too...I'd probably do it that way if there was a rewind button in life:)

  11. What a cutie!
    And no-there's no harm in eating a little dirt-especially good dirt!

  12. Agree that they're building immune systems with mud! My 6 1/2 year old (her emphasis, not mine on the 1/2), is wearing hand-me-down shorts from her soon-to-be 22 year old cousin. Still in great shape, but went boy-boy-boy-boy-girl-girl. I love quality hand-me-downs!


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