Saturday 27 May 2017

Spring Harvests

Lots coming out of the garden already! Good if you like leafy greens at the moment! 
Lettuce Cancan, I've sold most fo these now. The bed will be claered this weekend then sowed with five rows of carrots. 
White seeded Samara, growing for seed and to sella few - these look lovely. 

A whole bed of spicy salad greens, I mmixed this myself but it seems to be a great mix. 

Beetroot bed - I transplanted these but they've taken so well. Three rows, with plants spaced at 4inches

First pull of beets

Di Choggia cut up ready for tea

Beeteroot tart 

A bed of radishes is ready now as well. Love the colours on these!

What are you having out the garden at the moment?


  1. Transplanting beetroots is the way to get early beets. Sown under cover in modules in late Feb & planted out as soon as the weather allows in March, you can be eating them from April/May.
    I also do this with purple kohl rabi as the early ones seem less inclined to turn 'woody' & are tasty sliced into early season salads. Clumps of early summer variety leeks are easy to grow this way too.

  2. Wow I'm super impressed by the beetroot. Love the stuff so I'll be looking at doing the same.

  3. wow...great harvest kev! i'm getting kale, lettuce, cucumbers and sorrel. we've been having lots of rain but next week should be sunny so i think things will grow like crazy. i should have beans soon.

  4. Wow, now I feel bad about the post I just did. Well, it's still pretty early here. We're eating asparagus, lots of salads and some cooking greens. A few radishes. Also, fresh herbs!
    That beet tart is beautiful.

  5. Your lettuces look really good. I've done a lot better with them this year than last. I have sewn some Choggia seeds but also have some bolt hardy ones growing very well. Looking forward to pickling it again this year.

  6. I just picked a bunch of asparagus out of my little garden and also some rhubarb.
    Can't plant anything else here yet till the first of June.

  7. Very nice lettuce!!! And the beets look great! Nothing ready to harvest here yet, but I did get the tomatoes transplanted into containers today. :)


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