Sunday 23 August 2020

Polytunnel Mistakes

 The polytunnel has been a place of absolute abundance for us this summer - but it's not been a place I'd be keen to show people round! It is full to bursting and a complete jungle, next year I'm already planning to do things a little differently in there! 

I did a short video showing you round and also showing you where I went wrong. 

Let me know what you think and please subscribe to my YouTube channel if you don't already! 

For some reason you need to view this in full screen rather than on the mobile app to watch the video. 


  1. Kev, as the old saying goes, how do I learn to make good decisions? By making bad ones.

    I do like the opening music!

    1. Thanks! I must be learning a lot because I make lots of bad decisions in the garden lately! Weed control being the top one!

  2. Even so, it's better to have too much growing than not enough! So I'd still call it a success! An interesting video, Kev. Now you have a starting knowledge base for next year.

    1. Yeah, I think I've learnt a lot from my first year in the tunnel - Hopefully next year it will feel a bit more organised in there, think I'm better off having less but being able to harvest it all! My plan is to have beans over wintering in there either as green manure or early crops.

  3. Great video Kev. Who is the band in your video?

  4. Good video Kev. We all try and plant too much in our tunnels.
    Ground cover is good between beds, weeds still manage to get in, My runners only had a few this year inside,french beans going well though and he Gigantes. Peppers best results ever though.

  5. Great video Kev and it's all a learning experience, I'm sure you'll do really well with it next year now that you know what not to plant!

  6. I would have done the same and put loads in!


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